Headcanon #6

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When Ryan and Dylan are making out and kissing passionately they can get a little out of hand and Ryan will go for Dylan's neck which is definitely his weak spot. However, it leaves a lot of hickeys on his neck and he can't let anyone see, so he will either try to cover it up or ask Emma for concealer and she'll give it to him but knows the reason why even without seeing it. One time Dylan forgot to put it on and Kaitlyn asked him what happened to his neck but him a blushing mess told her that he burnt himself with a curling iron. She pretended to believe it but she's not so stupid she knew that some pair of lips were on his neck and those lips beling to Ryan Erzahler.

When making out goes further Ryan has the respect of always asking to go further. Dylan has been in relationships before where they used him for s3x and Ryan is not that type. When Ryan does this however Dylan will always smile smugly and kiss him, Ryan knows that Dylan wants to clearly but he still feels the need to ask. Although Dylan makes fun of Ryan for asking such a question, he secretly loves that he cares enough to ask every time.

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