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Time Skips after 3-4 months :-

Pakhi's Pov
Ohh God like seriously why these old aged business man are so weird ,I mean I am literally fed up with that Mr.Kang that old bloody man I swear if I again catch him looking at me in a bad sense I'll surely let him know that who the hell he is messing with

"She was murmuring all this sitting inside her cabin back facing the wall but what she didn't knew is that someone was hearing her "

Naksh - If you would speak up a little loud then may be I can also get the current hot gossip in my office

Pakhi - Huh oh Sir it's you , you scared me . Sorry but there isn't any gossip to share.

Naksh - ohh really then tell me the reason behind your this angry bird face .

Pakhi - whaa- what first of all I am not angry bird and secondly is there anything you want Sir , I mean according to your schedule you have to go the Cafe near our company to meet our business partner Miss Kiara by 2pm and its almost 2 you should have reached by now.

Naksh - Chill Miss Angry bird don't forget I am the Boss here and I remember every detail and the meeting has been canceled

Pakhi - Canceled
"She said making a confused face"
But I didn't got any mail regarding this.

Naksh - Oh actually she is very close to me we know each other since a long time , so she just called me and told me she is busy .

Pakhi - okay

Naksh - Hmmm and after lunch come to my cabin with minutes of today's meeting.

Pakhi - Yes Sir.

After break :-

Pakhi was going to knock in Naksh's cabin door but she heard him saying

Naksh - yes baby don't worry I'll definitely take you to shopping okay my love!! Byee I'll talk to later

Pakhi - what love? He have a girlfriend but I never heard about her from aunty and uncle . No no he doesn't have any girlfriend but then who the hell he was calling baby

" Jealousy on its peak guys"

Pakhi - uhmm let me see who is he talking to
Knock knock

Pakhi - uhmm let me see who is he talking toKnock knock

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Naksh - come in

Pakhi - Sir these are the minutes of today's meeting

Naksh - ohk keep them in my table and clear my schedule after 1 hour

Pakhi - yes sir , is there anything important sir I mean you had one more meeting to attend

Naksh - Hmm I have some work

Saying this he wore his blazer amd left the room

Pakhi - humpp Rude cold jerk look at his duality before sometime he was talking nicely on the phone and look at the way he talks to me now but yeah who am I to him just a normal employee "sigh"
Why am I feeling bad about his behavior
I don't care let's just get my head cleared

Time skips:-
At the dinning table pakhi was just staring at her food But it was untouched and it didnt go unnoticed by Kriti

Time skips:- At the dinning table pakhi was just staring at her food But it was untouched and it didnt go unnoticed by Kriti

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Kriti just came and side hugged her

Kriti - what happened baby why are you not eating

Pakhi - its just I don't feel like eating

Kriti - but today you didn't had lunch also , tell me what happened why are you feeling so low

Pakhi pov:-
I don't know what happened to me I am just zonning out again and again and when kriti hugged me I felt like crying and letting everything out

Pakhi - I- I don't know what has happened to me kriti , am I a very bad person that no one wants to live with me,why every relationship which I ever had came to an breakup why did that Kabir had to cheat on me where did I lag I gave him my everything yo-you kn-know I used to e-even skip my lunch so that I-I can get some time to talk to him but th-then also he cheated on me

Kriti - sushhhhh baby listen Here we have already talked about this right and we also know how strong you are and how cheap is that Kabir right it is not your fault that he choose to cheat on you ,it was never your fault trust me he will know your worth and regret a lot and who said no one loves you huh did you forget about uncle aunty bhai our friends who are in india rn

Kriti - sushhhhh baby listen Here we have already talked about this right and we also know how strong you are and how cheap is that Kabir right it is not your fault that he choose to cheat on you ,it was never your fault trust me he will know your...

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But then also pakhi didn't stop cying

Kriti - baby is there anything else which you are not sharing huh and I don't know why am I having this feeling that it is somewhere related to NAKSH ............

PAKHI - h- how d-did you know?

Kriti - I know everything I have been observing you since the time Naksh came as an CEO , tell me did something happened I know him since our college days he is very cold and sometimes he is very rude

Pakhi - I - I Don't know if it is completely related to him or not , It's just that I don't understand him he is sometimes very sweet and flirty and on the other second he is Rude , cold the most important thing which I don't understand why am I being affected by his behavior

" I Think I am Falling For HIM Kriti but I can't fall for him I know he doesn't love me and I can't let my heart break again "

Kriti - Y-Y-Yes he doesn't love you baby Don't think about him ,he is not like us okay forget about him you have a lot to achieve right
Come let's sleep okay it's very late now

Pakhi stopped crying and nodded and kriti took her to bed

Kriti's Pov :-
I know pakhi how much soft hearted you are and I also know the love which you have for naksh is also pure but you would never let it out because of what all happend in India
Amd the most important thing I can't let you go to Naksh him being THE MAFIA KING is not at all good for you

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See you again in the next part 🫶🫶🫶
Your writer Anu

"The Boss's Beloved: A Mafia's Heartwarming Love Story"💖💼Where stories live. Discover now