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Time skips after the weekend

I am currently preparing a very important file for today's meeting and Naksh would be here any time and the first thing he would ask me is this file
Finally it got completed and I went to make his morning coffee
While I was making the coffee I could hear my colleagues gossiping about Naksh and my curiosity level raised up so I was just overhearing
Employee 1 - Don't you think I should try hitting on our boss I mean he is totally my type and I don't think he would reject me after having a taste of my body

Employee 2 - Yahh do wanna get fired don't you know he hates women's touch idk how Pakhi manages being his assistant

Employee 1 - Hahaha I'm sure he won't reject my touch

Hearing this my blood boiled I just wanted to punch her not so bootyful face but I didn't wanted to create any drama hence I took his coffee and went towards his cabin

He was yelling at someone through his phone his back was facing so I just kept the coffee at the table and was leaving but why is this fuckin door not opening
Suddenly I heard his hot breath on my neck which means he is just standing behind me

Naksh - did you forget your Manners Miss.Pakhi how could you even think to leave without my permission do wanna get fired for not obeying your Boss

Being scared from his Dominant voice I immediately turn around for appolozing I kept bowing and appolozing until I heard his chuckle I am sure I'll kill him for pranking Me and making my heart fail

Naksh - Hahaha look at your face you look so cute when you are scared

he said pinching my cheeks but my mind recalled what I have heard few minutes ago and again the anger rose in me
And i just jerked his hands

Pakhi - stop being touchy Bandar and on't forget I am not your friend right now I am your assistant and never touch  me again

Naksh - Wha- What happend to do you Pakhi did someone said anything to huh tell me

Naksh's Pov :-
We know each other since 2 months and she never behaved this strange what happened to her now no doubt her words made me feel bad am I that bad she doesn't even want me to be nice to her as a friend.

I just left his cabin fuming in anger not on him but on myself because I saw how his expression changed from smiley to hurt and I'm sure mu words have hurted  him but that's the only way i can let myself stay away from him or else the way I'm falling for him is increasing day by day


It's been 2 days since I am ignoring him but it's hurting me so much now its very much I'll not ignore him anymore because I know I can't live without him anymore and I truly Love him it's not just attraction. 

 it is pretty early very few employees have arrived . Confessing in my mind I happily danced and left my cabin to see charming face in the morning to make my whole day good but what i saw made my whole world shatter and i immediately ran out of the building with tears in my eyes 

Naksh Pov :-

I am sitting inside my cabin right now being frustrated as hell and why not its because my not so little bean is troubling  i don't know what i did wrong she is ignoring since fucking 2 days now and this 2 are more like 2 years now , i don't care whatever happens today ill make her talk to me anyhow .

there was a knock i became happy thinking its Pakhi but when i saw that particular someone entering it made my blood boil in anger because she was none other than HIYA my ex girlfriend whom i used to love long time ago but now i just hate her to my last breathe. 

Hiya - Heyyy Baby how are you i  know you were missing see i m here i know i took so long to come back but u know i was so guilty about whatever happened i regrated it lot but i know my Naksh baby will forgive me right "she said all this will doing fake aeigo and with a disgusting pout '

Naksh - STOP IT HIYA just stop do you even know how much you speak huh you are making my ear buds bleed right now and why the hell did you came here huh i can't even stand your once glance.

Hiya - baby don't say like that. 

Naksh - why why should i stop staying the truth and stop babying me you're not someone who can just enter this building and come to my cabin like this you are no one to me MISS HIYA LEAVE

Instead of leaving she just came towards and pushed him on his chair and before he could process or push her she sat on his lap grabbing his nape and trying to kiss him but i think she forget that he is not an normal guy He is a Fucking Mafia King .But in the meantime Pakhi opened the door and her sitting on his lap and from her angle it looked like they were kissing and she couldn't process anything and just ran away.

Naksh saw her running her away and he just pushed Hiya from himself making her directly land on the floor. 

Naksh - Be in your fucking limits you bitch and dont you dare come near to me i know all your fucking intension of again making me dive into your fake toxic love and marrying me taking all money and killing me right bitch and so naive of you to think that you will get along with my enemy and kill me huh. 

Naksh - {on call} Aarush Come and get her and put her in my basement she is my office cabin right now i am leaving urgently.

I tried calling Pakhi again and again, but she didn't answer any of my calls and now she switched off her phone. But before she switched off i tracked her location and she is in her home right now i should meet her as soon as possible my little beam was already having tears on her beautiful eyes, i know she must have misunderstood the whole situation.  

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