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I was driving fastly to reach her house but this damn call was disturbing me it's an unknown call I checked the ID and it showed Kriti
Kriti - Yaah you ASSHOLE NAKSH you know what I'll kill you with my bare hands how the fuck you even dared to make my Pakhi cry huh what do you think of yourself .

Naksh - Bu-B-

Kriti - what huh tell me why the hell do make her work her so much and today you even made her cry 

Naksh - Listen listen kriti i know i fucked up very badly today but trust me i'm on my towards your house only but i am stuck in this traffic please just take care of her until i come i promise ill make everything clear today 

Kriti - you better take your ass here in 20 minutes 

Naksh - yes yes

'' Here Naksh is standing infront of their house ringing the bell since 15 minutes now but pakhi is not letting him enter the house she even forced Arush to take Kriti out somewhere so that she can be alone and she is not opening the door thinking it must be someone else ''

Naksh's POV':-

I swear if she didn't open the door now i am going to climb that fuckin window which i assume its her room and to my guts i was sure i could see her curled up in her bed ahh how silly she forget to put the blinds on i can feel that my cute little bear is still sobbing i have surely messed up and made her feel bad 

i know pakhi you also love me the same way i do but i also know that there's something that you are hidding too 

" saying all this Naksh went inside by slowly slidding the window ''

Naksh - Pakhi 


"being scared without looking at him she quickly took the knife from the fruit basket before her'

Pakhi - NAKSH 

Naksh - ahh yes it is me now can u please put that knife away i dont want you to hurt yourself okie now please put that away

Pakhi - first tell me why are you here huh i didn't asked you to be here get lost go to your lo-Love

Naksh - I am with my love 

Pakhi - Huhhh it's not a time to joke flirt around 
pinning him towards the glass wall
Tell me what ever was between was all fake right you were just fooling around with me and my feelings you never loved me 

Naksh - (smilling and twirlled her around now she is pinned under him ) Finally you agreed that you love me 

Pakhi - (struglling under him ) YES YES i fucking love you but what did i got in return betryal leave me Naksh just go away "pushing him away"

Naksh - (cupping her chuuby cheeks joining their foreheads ) Heyy shhh please calm down i only love you . You are the missing peice that completes me, i can't help but yearn for more of you . Your presence is like a  drug intoxicating and addictive . I can't resist the allure of your charm and the way you captivate my heart and mind . I fucking love you only you even if i have to confess my love to you for the infinite time it won't change .

Pakhi - "pushed him away " J-just Stop lying i can't take it anymore you know what Naksh my heart is saying all you said is true but i can't trust your words after what my eyes saw . Please leave i  want to stay alone and don't show me your face until i come to you .

Naksh - "hurtfull voice" i know Pakhi whatever happend shouldn't have happend somewhere its my fault too but staying away from you don't you think your going to hard jaan please trust me and give me a chance to explain

Pakhi - NO Stop just Stop there and leave

Turning around with a heavy heart he just left without giving her a single glance .

Naksh Pov :-
I know it's my fault that I let that Hiya come close to me but I didn't did it intentionally I wasn't ready to even think that she would do something like this and Pakhi , she just saw that wrong part and left but she is not at all letting me explain even a bit never in my life I felt this hurted . I never imagined that she thinks this low of me

Thinking all this he was just driving speedily and to divert his mind he went to the bar never in his life he drank a single bit of alcohol but see what love made him do today he is drinking again again not even caring about his surrounding just blabbering his heart out infront of the bartender

Naksh - w-W-why d-Did S-she t-d is n-N-ot b-be-lieving m-me I-i L-l-love her th-e M-most
H-hey y-you Bartender g-give m-me an-another o-one

Bartender- Sir I can't you are drinking straight from past 2 hours .He-Hey are you here with someone or not sir give me your phone I'll call someone to pick you up

Naksh - y-you w-want m-my ph-phone take i-it b-but b-bring my pakhi back i-i b-beg y-you

Bartender- (shaking his head) The famous ruthless mafia is here crying is heart out just for his love . It's true love makes a powerful person weak

He called Aarush cuz he was in his last dial and asked him to come xyz club and pick him

Aarush hurridely dropped Kriti back to her house and went to pick Naksh from the club

Aarush - I can't believe what that person Said Naksh is drunk huhh I can't believe this , is there any trap by our enemies let me call him again

After 2-3 rings the call was picked this time it was Naksh itself

Aarush - Bro where are you I can't find you inside this loud music dang this club

Naksh - B-Bhaii l-loo-k h-here heyyyyyyyty
He started wayving both his hands up in the air sitting infront of the bar area

Aarush - gayi bhes pani mai aaj to isne sach mai pi li hai ( ohhh god he is fully drunk for the very first time )

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The next will be out soon stay tuned ❤️

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