Tease And Butterflies

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Naksh is waiting for Aarush as they both have to attend a underworld meeting for their upcoming mafia business project 

Naksh Pov: -

i am waiting for Aarush to come  down from his office in the parking but suddenly my vision went to the entrance of the parking and i saw Kriti and Pakhi coming out of their car i must appreciate Pakhi's Choice in Car's. I never expected girls to have interest in cars stuff because i Rember how uninterested Hiya used to act whenever i used to talk about cars and stuff , but wait a minute why is Pakhi looking at my car's direction does she know that it's my car i dont think so because she can't see who is sitting because of the black film on windows

Pakhi Pov:-
I was parking my babylove in Aarush's company parking because Kriti just wanted to drop some files she went to give him the files and I was waiting and then my vision went to the black Porsche 911 parked opposite side of my Babylove not to lie Porsche being Porsche it was looking like a WoW
I was wondering who's car is it because I don't think that normal employees take Porsche to their office

And the chain of my thought break when i saw MR.Cold Rude Jerk I mean Naksh coming out from that car and oh my god did I ever say how fucking good this white shirt looks on him and that to with 3 buttons open and uff the way he is coming towards me while rolling his sleeves amd those black goggles suits his face cut and those lips ohh god why do his lips and cheeks looks so kissable

NAKSH - Done Checking Out Miss. Pickle I mean Pakhi

Pakhi - You Bandar first of all how dare you call me pickle and secondly I wasn't checking you out

Naksh - Stop lying in this daylight I saw how you couldn't stop your eyes from looking at me

Pakhi - No I wasn't looking at you I was looking at this beauty behind you is that your's that Porsche 911 which comes with that amazing sound and base quality

Naksh - Hmm I am impressed you know quite lot about cars don't you

Pakhi - ohh ye they are a part of my hobbies

Kriti and Aarush came towards them holding hands

Aarush - Sry Bro I was stuck with something let's go we are late I guess

Aarush quickly side hugged kriti and pecked her crown area

Aarush - Byee muffin mai aapse sham ko dinner pr milta hu

Kriti blushed hard and hugged him and nodded

Pakhi - ( Cringe)  Aarush Jiju she won't disappear its just a matter of some hours stop your couple goals you both are making me feel alone

Aarush - pakhi you won't understand i can't stay away from her even for a minute and its a matter of some good fucking 9 hours

Kriti - okay okay you both stop pakhi let them leave they are already late

Time skips :-

After 1 week

Naksh's Mom I mean Mrs.Kim called Pakhi to the Kim's mansion cuz it's been long since she met her

Pakhi and Mrs.Kim were in the kitchen cooking some delicious Indian food Mr.Kim was out of the country with his business partners and Naksh was resting in his room because as a CEO he barely gets any rest and week days are the only he time he let himself rest

I was stirring the gajar halwa which I was preparing as the dessert and the main course is Almost done suddenly the thought of Naksh crossed in my mind I am here since 11 am and its almost 1 but I haven't seen him is he not home but I checked his schedule he should be in home Hmm may be must be resting i hope he eats the food made by me wait what am I falling for him this much that now I want him to taste the food made by me
I didn't do this for anyone before

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