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The rules are quite simple, and I personally think they're easy to follow. First, and most obvious rule. Do not ask for anything with smut/lemon with lunar, or Earth. I think that's self-explanitory.

Second, please don't ask for anything too extreme having to do with smut/lemon or gore. Why I say gore, because bloodmoon will be featured in these one-shots.

Two rules, very simple.


Also, information about my one-shots related to certain characters. Scenarios/type of xreader.
(You don't have to read it)




Lunar xcomfortreader  /comfortLunar xreader
Which, could go either way. Reader comforting Lunar, or Lunar comforting reader.

Lunar xreader, wholesome things. Which can include many things. Cuddles, playing games, again, comfort, ect.

Lunar xchildreader, which could be about child reader wanting to play games with Lunar like tag, ect.

Lunar xparentreader, which could be about reader being like a parent figure towards Lunar, helping him, giving him advice, again, comforting him, and overall being a parent.

Lunar xangstreader, I think this one's self-explanitory. Angst.

Those are just some of the main ideas, though! I lay the imagination stick in your hands, reader.



ComfortEarth xreader /Earth xcomfortreader
Which, could go either way. Reader comforting Earth, or Earth comforting reader

Earth xreader, with earth theres a lot more to work with. Angst, wholesome, ship between Earth xreader. And, so on.

Earth xchildreader, which could be about Earth being like a parent figure towards reader, helping [prns], giving [prns] advice, comforting [prns], and overall being a parent.

Earth xsiblingreader, which could be about reader being really close to Earth, so they practically call themselves siblings. Giving advice, comforting, therapy, ect.

Those are just some of the main ideas, though! I lay the imagination stick in your hands, reader.



With bloodmoon, I think it's limited to how much he'll do with reader unless it's an au where he's nicer, at least towards reader that is.

Without au:

Bloodmoon xcomfortreader, which could be about reader attempting to comfort bloodmoon, which will probably end in either reader's demise, reader ending up being bitten, or actually coming to a breaking point with him and helping him. Low chances though.

ComfortBloodmoon without au xreader can't exist, simply a fact. Add your au's and I'll think about it.
(/sarcasm, I'll do comfort bloodmoon au)

Bloodmoon xreader, which could be about, bloodmoon kidnapping reader as bait to lure sun/moon, ect to him, torture, simple arguments
/banter between the two of you, ect you get the idea.

Bloodmoon xangstreader, self-explanitory

With au:

Bloodmoon xcomfortreader, could be about, bloodmoon being much easier to talk to, but still stubborn and feisty, will probably end up either crying, or making you cry.

Comfortbloodmoon xreader, could be about, bloodmoon giving advice to [prns], talking, helping reader with [prns] problems, ect you get the idea

Vampirebloodmoon xreader, I think this one's overall self-explanitory, if you have questions don't be afraid to ask!

Bloodmoon xreader, with au it's a lot more flexible, and definitely a lot more options. Ship between the two, comfort, wholesome things, cuddles, kisses, ect, he's nicer you get the idea

For smut/lemon, keep it to a minimum. I don't like to do things that are too, either detailed or extreme. The most I'll do is 'heated' kissing, biting, whatever. Please respect what I'm comfortable with, and my limits.

Those are just some ideas, though! I lay the imagination stick in your hands, reader.



comfortSolar xreader, could be about, Solar giving reader advice about [prns] problems, physical comfort, verbal comfort, possibly inviting reader to his, Lunars, and Earths therapy/comfort group.

Solar xcomfortreader, could be about,   reader giving Solar advice about his problems, physical comfort, verbal comfort, ect you get the idea.

Solar xreader, could be about, ship between the two, comfort, cuddles, kissing, angst, ect

For smut/lemon, keep it to a minimum. I don't like to do things that are too, either detailed or extreme. The most I'll do is 'heated' kissing, biting, whatever. Please respect what I'm comfortable with, and my limits.

Those are just some ideas, though! I lay the imagination stick in your hands, reader.


Other than that, I don't think I have much more to say. if you have any questions please, feel free to ask and I'll do my best to answer!

Keep in mind, updates may be slow. Since I am working on about 4 books at the same time. Including oneshots of other characters, so just heads up about that!

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