dont be scared, its just a bit of thunder | ComfortSolar xreader

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I understand some people are afraid of storms, lighting, and thunder so I thought maybe I'd write this. If there's ever storm, come on over. I promise you're safe here. It may be loud, but It's just thunder. You'll be okay, and if you need someone to talk to, my DMS are opened. <3<3<3


Storm comfort


It's pouring out, and the dark clouds have swarmed the sky. Thunder strikes, and you've resorted to hiding beneath the security desk. Your knees pulled up to your chest, and your face buried in your knees. You hold yourself, as if trying to provide yourself your own comfort.

Solar crouches down, looking at you with sympathy. He sits down across from you with a soft expression as he leans forward, and rests a hand on your shoulder.

My head perks up and I stare at Solar with teary eyes, my arms wrapped around my legs. Holding myself brought me a feeling of comfort, but it wasn't the same as when someone else provided it.

Solar gives a soft nod. Noticing the tears, he reaches forward and lightly wipes the tears away, giving a small smile. "Hey, it's okay. It'll pass soon." he gives another glance outside before looking back to you.

A hardly noticeable small smile tugs at the corners of my lips, I feel a wave of relief wash over me as I take a deep breathe.

Solar notices the movement of your lips, the small smile, and the sigh of relief you take. "Feeling a bit better now?" Solar asks, giving a small half-smile.

I nodded softly, shifting.

Solar gives a small nod. "It'll pass before you know it." he then backs himself underneath the security desk beside you, which admittedly was difficult for him to do with his towering physic.

He slides down a bit so his legs are sticking out of the security desk and there's room between his head, and the bottom of the security desk. Solar opens his arms for you, offering a hug, offering physical comfort.

I unwrap my arms from around myself, and I lay on my side beside solar. I rest my head on his chest, and wrap my arms around his torso.

Solar wraps his arms around you, cuddling you close and letting his warmth transfer to you. He rocks you back and forth just the slightest bit, to try and further instill a sense of security.

You hear a rumble of thunder in the distance, but it's much further away, not sounding like the same magnitude as the previous strikes.

That makes me flinch slightly, it's not as loud now, but it's loud enough to give me a fright.

Solar notices your flinch, and his grip on you tightens. "Don't startle, everything's fine now. The initial storms are always the loudest. But now it's fading." He speaks in a soft, gentle voice, trying to sooth you as he strokes your hair with one of his hands, in an attempt to further provide comfort.

I take deep breathes as I let Solar comfort me in his own way, hugs, and reassuring words. I feel my body untense as I melt into Solar's touch. Sighing softly with content.

Solar continues to hold you, rocking you slightly to help soothe you, and stroking your hair while speaking in that same soothing and gentle voice. You feel completely at ease within his grasp, as if nothing outside of that moment mattered to you.

Eventually, the storm has fully passed and the sun is peeking through the windows. You, and Solar are asleep beneath the security desk. Though, solar is in fact asleep, he's smiling softly. He couldn't help it.

In his sleep, he subconsciously snuggles you closer, and his face remains softly smiled as he slumbers. His grip on you loosens slightly, but he remains securely wrapped around you.

You're safe with me, little Phoenix. I promise through every storm, and every thunder strike. I'll be right here, to hold you tight. To bring you comfort, and a feeling of safety. I promise, you'll never be alone.

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