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Hello everyone! I can't believe how many of you are reading this silly little story, thank you!  Sorry for being a - wall for so long, I had final exams and have graduated school. I also had a bit of a depressive phase, but I'm hoping to write more now that I have time. 

Hope you enjoy the chapter (kinda running out of ideas) 

Despite his bulk, Kinshiki moved fast, easily meeting Sasuke blow for blow. Getting a hit in would be difficult, but Sasuke could manage it with enough time. He dodged a swinging fist and glanced back at the young ninja - and was forced to twist out of the way as Memory flew in, punching Kinshiki square in the face. The otsutsuki flew backward, knocking over a dozen trees before coming to a stop.

"Yes!" Menma cheered from somewhere behind Memory. Sasuke had to admit he was impressed: Memory had obviously inherited the strength and chakra control Sakura had cultivated during her years as a genin. With her byakugan, that strength became even more deadly. But still-.

"You stay out of this," Sasuke told her sternly, unsheathing his sword. "I can handle this."

"With all due respect," Houki interjected, walking forward, "this Kinshiki is more powerful than you remember. He has a multitude of scientific ninja tools in his arsenal on top of his restored chakra."

"And he's from our world, 'ttebaki," Menma said. "He's specifically after me, so let me fight him. Besides, I'm stronger than you think."

Sasuke remained silent, the disapproval obvious on his face.

"We can fight too, Uncle Sasuke!" Boruto clenched his fist, hiding the karma mark from view. "We're strong enough."

A crash sounded in the distance as Kinshiki recovered himself, forcing Sasuke to choose. He sighed in defeat: without the rinnegan, this victory would be tough.

"Ok, here's the plan."


Boruto leapt into Kinshiki's path, his special rasengan swirling in his palm. Careful not to activate his karma mark, he rammed the dense chakra ball into the side of Kinshiki's head, breaking off the strange horn that encircled it. Kinshiki, enraged, swiped at Boruto, who was not fast enough to avoid the blow. He slammed into a tree, coughing blood.

"Where's Menma Uchiha Uzumaki?" Kinshiki growled in a low voice, advancing slowly. Boruto let out a laugh.

"I didn't know you could talk! Since you can, why don't you tell me how you got here?"

Kinshiki activated his byakugan, anger scrawled across his face. Then his eyes widened, turning his head just in time to get caught in the combined fire jutsu that Sarada and Sasuke were spewing. Boruto flipped out of the way, landing next to Mitsuki, who was sending his snakes to wrap around the otsutsuki.

"What's next?" Boruto asked: he'd taken off to deter Kinshiki so the others could set a plan in motion.

Mitsuki glanced upward - in the next second Memory flew down and once again punched Kinshiki. The resounding crack that followed made Boruto wince in sympathy: being on the end of those punches was brutal. Immediately after, Kawaki used his now clawed hand to land a blow, a karma mark writhing up his arm.

Opposite Boruto and Mistuki, Houki had laid down a barrier formation, adding the finishing touches. Noticing, Kawaki started backing away, taunting Kinshiki. Houki's hands switched between signs too quickly for Boruto to follow, hand then slamming down on the ground. Four walls rose up around Kinshiki, glowing a pale blue. Not a very strong jutsu, but enough to stall.

Over the angry yells of Kinshiki, Sarada and Sasuke descended, Sasuke weaving the signs for chidori. The lightning sparked over his hand (honestly the coolest justu in Boruto's opinion), and the Uchiha crashed through the barrier, hitting Kinshiki at point blank range.

Menma knew Sasuke could likely handle Kinshiki, but there was a restless feeling in his gut that told him, no, he couldn't. He could feel Kurama's uneasiness as well, chakra turbulent. How did Kinshiki get to this dimension? It shouldn't be possible.

At the sound of the chidori, Menma weaved through the trees, cloaking himself in a thin layer of Kurama's chakra, despite Memory's warning not to. A rasengan grew in his palm as he waited for the right moment to strike.

Sasuke was sure he'd felt his hand connect with Kinshiki. But as the dust cleared, he stood unscathed, a strange contraption on his arm. Sasuke was able to parry the first blow, jumping away to reevaluate.

"Uncle Sasuke, that contraption is the same as the one Ao was using when we fought him!" Boruto called. "It absorbs all justu!"

Now that was a big problem - Sasuke's taijutsu wasn't what it used to be. Out of the corner of his eye, Sasuke saw Houki jump into the fight, dodging with a grace reminiscent of Kakashi, kunai charged with electricity. Memory shouted something and joined the fray, Kawaki not far after. Then a sharp spike in Menma's chakra signature made Kinshiki turn, just in time to be hit with a rasenshuriken. 

Dimension Meet: Menma and BorutoWhere stories live. Discover now