Chapter 7- Making Friends

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"Words are singularly the most powerful force available to humanity. We can choose to use this force constructively with words of encouragement, or destructively using words of despair. Words have energy and power with the ability to help, to heal, to hinder, to hurt, to harm, to humiliate and to humble."

-Yehuda Berg

Once that our introductions were over, Mr. Kennedy told us where to sit. I had Jax as my partner while Adrian had Dmitri. We were talking about chemicals and their responses when suddenly the bell rang. I flinched by the loudness and got my books. I was walking down the hall talking to Jax about what we would do later today when I crashed with a body.

"Watch were your going next time, bitch," the male voice said.

"Watch who your talking to next time, asshole," I said before walking away with the boys behind me.

I never knew that that person would make a great impact in the future.


As the day went on, I found myself walking to the cafeteria doors to wait for Gretel and the rest of the guys. I kept hearing our names bouncing across the hallways and another name that I didn't know.

I also heard different rumors as to why we were here. Some of them evolving us getting kicked out of our old school to us being drug dealers. There was also one where they said that both Gretel and I got pregnant and became a disgrace to our family so we got kicked out. The one I found most interesting would be the rumor about me being a cold hearted bitch who cares about no one.

If they only knew, I thought.

Once they all got here we walked into the cafeteria making our grand entrance. I walked into the line and got a slice pizza, a slice of chocolate cake, an orange, and a water. Once I payed for my food, I looked around for an empty table. Once found, we took a seat and began to chat about how our classes.

I noticed a brunette girl with blue eyes walking to our table. She look very shy and sweet, but don't judge a book by its cover.

"Hello, you must be the new girls. My name is Rose," she says extending her hand out for us to shake.

"My name is Gretel and this is my sister Royalty," Gretel answered.

"Would you like to sit with us," I asked out of the blue. She just looked at me surprised that I had asked. After all, I was a cold hearted bitch who cares about no one in this school.

"I don't think that's a very good idea. I'm not exactly popular and I'll only embarrass your group," she said looking down in embarrassment.

"Don't worry. We don't really care. So come on, sit with us," I tell her patting the seat between Gretel and I where our bags were.

"Okay," she mumbles before sitting down once we set our bags somewhere else. The boys later came and sat down around the table.

"Who is she?" Dmitri asked rudely.

"Be careful how you talk to people," I tell him. "This is Rose ..."

"Reece," she tells me.

"Rose Reece, this is Rose Reece," I tell them. "And she's new to our group."

"You can't do that! Your going to put her in danger, Cleo!" Dmitri whisper-yells; and I flinch when he calls me Cleo.

"Are you willing to put another person in risk after what happened in the past! I don't think so and when something bad happens, you would want to wish that you never met her. Or what if she ends up being the bad guy. So, CLEO, what are you gonna do?" Dmitri says spitting the words out with such venom.

I get up from the table, and take my plate away with me before walking out of the doors with everyone watching to see what happened.

Gretel's POV(Surprise!)

I watch as Roy walks away with her head down. I can't believe it! He always does this to her! He's pushing her and I will make mother and father fire him if necessary to make her happy. She has seen more tragic than any of us, and she is only seventeen years of age.

I turn around to look at Dmitri. I see all the boys looking either at the door or at Dmitri with different looks. Sadness. Anger. Shock.

"That was harsh. Even for you! You know that she doesn't liked being called that after his death!" I say slamming my hand onto the table.

"I don't even know how you could say those things. She's trying to get over all the deaths, and your just here rubbing it in her face that she couldn't do anything to help them! How would you feel if your boyfriend died in your arms. Or what if your oldest sister died from blood loss due to a bullet going through her stomach. And you could do nothing because you were trying to save the life of your youngest sister.

I will get you fired if necessary. You are here to protect her. Not to get her killed," I say in a low and menacing tone before slamming my hand once more on the table--grabbing my backpack in one hand and Rose's arm in the other. I pull Rose with me while she looks shocked by what just happened.

"I will tell you everything later, but first I have to find Roy. If you want to be our friend, can you please help?" I ask her.

"You and your sister are one of the few people who stand up for me. Of course I will be your friend," she says shyly.

I give her a quick hug before we split up and search for her. This is going to take a while.

Here's the next chapter and I really don't know if it's short or not. Oh well. This is the color that her eyes are if your wondering from the picture above.

Who do you think that guy was that she collided with in the hall. Do you think that Dmitri should get fired for what he keeps doing?

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