Chapter 6- First Day

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"I ask you to judge me by the enemies I have made."

-Franklin D. Roosevelt

Beep. Beep. Beep. Slam!

"Shut up! Let me sleep a little more."

I guess today is my first day of school. I look around to search for the time, but see my phone on the floor. Thank you carpet! I search through my closet for what to wear before grabbing some clothes that was by the corner and putting it on my bed. I take a quick shower and wash my mouth. Once I'm done in the bathroom, I dry myself and put on my matching lacy bra and underwear.

Then I put on my white tie dyed shirt, my pleated short skirt, and my grey wedge ankle boots. I walk into the bathroom and apply some makeup and curl my hair as fast as possible without trying to mess up. I then grab my phone and look at the time. 20 minutes left.

Before I walk out of my room, I grab the Michael Kors backpack, my small bag, and my Ray Bans. I walk down the stairs and see everyone eating breakfast.

"Good morning," I say before taking a seat beside Jax and Gretel.

"Morning," they mumble.

"So who's taking what car?" I ask.

"Will, Xavier, Adrian, and Dmitri are taking the black one with dots while Jax, Cody, and Liam are taking the gold one. You and me are taking your car," Gretel responded after eating her pancakes.

"Okay then, we will leave in ten minutes. Oh and we need to call a maid and a chef. I'm not the best at cooking and neither are all of you except Gretel," I tell them. They just nod their head while stuffing more food into their mouth.

"Okay, who has their badge and weapons? We don't want them to think that all of you will kill them or something. And don't show them unless we are in danger or you really have to, okay? We don't want a repeat of yesterday any time soon."

"Yes," they respond.

"Are you taking a weapon?" Jax asks.

"Yep. Both Gretel and I are taking our weapons and our IDs. We also took defense classes back home so we are good," I tell them.

"So what kind of weapons do you have?" Dmitri questions.

"You know, the usual. Two pistols, a dagger, and a clip," I say as if it's nothing while Jax just stares at me with an open mouth. Then Gretel begins to speak.

"And I have, a foldable pistol crossbow that opens into its size when you unlock it. A dagger, and a hidden key that turns into a weapon. Only because we live in another country doesn't mean that we don't have advance technology."

I just stare at the guys expression while Gretel and I show them pulling them out of our bags. After they see them, I make sure that they are not loaded and put them back in my purse and backpack. I grab the keys and throw them to the guys when we are done.

"Come on, guys! We don't want to be late on the second week of school. We already missed the first," I scream at them from the entrance of the garage.

The guys go running into the cars while Gretel and I get in my baby—a Lamborghini Aventador J.

"Open garage doors and close when three cars are gone," I say to the panel of the garage.

"Opening garage doors," a robotic voice answers. It worked! Apparently, the boys woke up earlier than expected not used to the time zone and set up the mechanism of the house, similar to the one in the kingdom. Once the doors were open, we zoomed through the streets and through the gates of the boarding school. Once I parked, the boys parked on each side of us. I put on my Ray Bans and grabbed my backpack and purse. We all got out of the cars and saw everyone staring at us. Gretel and I get lustful looks from the males and jealous glares from the females. The boys are the same--lustful looks from the female population and glares from the males. Always the same. Idiotic people.

"So, it looks like we have grabbed the attention from half of the school already. Jax, bet you twenty dollars that by the end of the day we will be the talk of the whole school," I say to him while we all walk to the school.

Three of the guys are behind us while two are on my right side and two are on Gretel's left.

"Deal. But I don't think that it will reach that far," he tells me while looking around at everyone.

"Oh and I'm trying out for the cheerleading squad," I tell them walking through the the doors. Once in the hallway a couple people part for us while some get shoved. We search for the office, and once there, they give us our timetables.

"Well it seems that I have classes with all of you in one point of the day," I mumble. I turn around and look at Gretel. "Be careful, El. I don't want to lose another sister," I tell her and then give her a hug.

"Same Roy. Be careful and see you later," she mumbles into my hair. Then we part and get out of the office.

"We will meet at lunch. Oh and boys, don't let anything happen to my sister," I tell them in a low and menacing tone at the end before giving them a sweet and innocent smile and walking away with Jax, Adrian, and Dmitri behind me.

"What a scary little lady she is," Jax says getting nods back from the other two.


Once we made it to Chemistry, I knocked on the door and waited for the teacher to open it.

"You must be the new students. My name is Mr. Kennedy and I teach Chemistry," he says while we walk to the front of the class. I take off my Ray Bans and look around. For some reason my eyes shock people. I don't have brown eyes like the rest of my family, but dark blue eyes with a bit of grey which is not very noticeable.

I look at the man in front of us. He looks in his mid-twenties with brown hair and hazel eyes. I bet you that many girls have tried to seduce him and have failed. He grabs a sticky note off his Mac Book Pro and looks at the names that he was given.

"Royalty Cleopatra Sanders, Jax Stuart, Adrian Blake, and Dmitri Daxon, right?" he questions not sure if he got the names right.

We just nod our heads at him and wait for the next thing that he will say. "Tell us a bit about yourselves," he says with interest in his voice.

I nod my head and speak first. My accent rings around the room, and everyone who wasn't looking already looks up at me. "I am seventeen and have a smaller sister named Gretel. We just moved here from another country. And I'm a very athletic student. I may seem small but I have more guts than most of you in this class," I say looking around at the students. Some just glare while others look at me curiously. "Any questions?" I ask and some hands race up in the air.

"Where are you from?" a girl ask.

"She cannot answer that," Jax says while the boys all take a step forward that does not go unnoticed by the class.

Another student raises her hand in the air and ask, "Why is that? And what are you boys to her? You look like guards."

"We are her friends. And she moved here for a reason. That reason should stay a secret. If anyone finds out that she is here, everyone will be in grave danger." And then in a low voice he mumbles,"like last time." Before Jax looks away with a faraway look. I just look down just like Dmitri and Adrian because we are remembering what happen before getting here. So many deaths, and nothing we could have done.

The past is not good to remember, and more at a boarding school where some snobs will make you fall out of your place and rise to your power. One thing I've learned back in my country is to not let anyone know about you. And don't forget the most important thing: keep your friends close and your enemies closer.


Yes!! I have finally updated!! I need a hive five or something.

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