Chapter 3- Not So Happily Ever After

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"If you ever leave me, baby,
Leave some morphine at my door
'Cause it would take a whole lot of medication
To realize what we used to have,
We don't have it anymore.

There's no religion that could save me
No matter how long my knees are on the floor (Ooh)
So keep in mind all the sacrifices I'm makin'
To keep you by my side
To keep you from walkin' out the door."

-It Will Rain by Bruno Mars


"Come on, we have to go to Chemistry now. We don't want to be tardier then we are," Damon told me. He didn't want to let me know what he got me for our two year anniversary.

I had given him his present this morning. It was a watch with his initials on it and on one side of the outer circle it said, "Love Cleo".

We were first introduced on April the 30th, and from their on, our relationship started to slowly change without us knowing until finally we dated. Each year we give each other a very meaningful gift no matter what-rain, wind, etc.

"Fine. Only because I have to wait thirty-five more minutes," I replied grumpily.

"Don't be grumpy," he told me, and I pecked his lips before we walked to class. Around ten minutes into chemistry, the windows in the third floor started to crack.

Men in black armor climbed in with pistols.The teacher tried to get the students out, but there were people blocking the doors.

"We come for the Princess-next in line to be Queen," the man in the middle said.

People in our class cracked up thinking that this was a joke, but there indeed was a Princess. That princess being me. Damon being my bodyguard and boyfriend tensed up.

"There is no Princess in this class, but if there was we would have known. That was a funny joke though," Cade said.

"You are wrong. We come here for Princess Royalty Cleopatra de LaRuso. Daughter of Nick and Sophia de LaRuso. Sister to Gretel Hope de LaRuso," another man answered with a laptop on his hands. He turned it around and there I was. In my house with my mother and sister and our crowns on.

All the students in the classroom turned my way and stared at me in shock or in terror. I looked away and to Damon who was staring at the broken window. And then I heard it, the sirens.

"We have to hurry! They are coming for us. They are already starting to surround the buildings. We will kill you princess and that's a promise," the middle one said. Before they left, a bullet was shot my way. I waited for the impact, but it never came; however, the sight before me made me want to scream in shock. Damon had a bullet wound close to his heart, and we knew the chances of surviving that was nearly impossible due to all the blood he was loosing.

I put his head on my lap and started whispering that everything would be okay, but we both knew it wasn't true. He has dying in my arms. Nothing would ever be the same.

"I love you," he whispered. "Don't forget that. Their will come a time when you will fall in love again. I want you to be happy." I saw blood coming out of his mouth and nose. He coughed a bit, and there on more his hand.

His voice sounded hoarse now. "Don't cry for me forever, Cleo. I know that it's going to be hard. Just try your best. Try to find someone else to love."

He pulled out something from his pocket and out it in my hands. My gift. "I love you Cleo," he said.

"I love you too, Damon," I said giving him a kiss. I cried harder when I noticed that he had just taken his last breath. I wouldn't be able to see his beautiful eyes anymore. I couldn't stand the pain. I went into shock. Yet I noticed something, he had a smile on his face.

Everyone in the class was either crying for their dead classmate or telling the people marching in the room what happened, but all I could do was stare at his beautiful smile...

***End of Flashback***

I touched my necklace before turning my head away from Dmitri into whoever's shoulder was there. Gretel began to tell the story of what happened. There was only one problem. She didn't know how it felt to lose your first love in front of you.

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