Chapter 1

419 5 5

"" - talking

** - thinking 

[] - actions while talking

We open this story to see inside of Beacon in it's massive auditorium Ozpina :

We open this story to see inside of Beacon in it's massive auditorium Ozpina :

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making a speech in front off all of her students.

Ozpina " Hello students today I have an announcement you will get a new teacher a huntsman. "

The students were in shock and started to whisper to each other.

Ozpina " We've asked him to be here so he should be coming shortly. "

Everyone there then heard a car pull up outside the building, the door then opens and everyone sees Y/n he then walks onto the stage. As Y/n was walking to Ozpina he took off his jacket and dropped it on the floor.

Ozpina " Hello Y/n been a while hasn't it? "

Ozpina put her arms out waiting for a hug but Y/n just hit her with a right hook making her stumble back and forcing her to use her cane to stop her from falling, Glynda :

Ozpina put her arms out waiting for a hug but Y/n just hit her with a right hook making her stumble back and forcing her to use her cane to stop her from falling, Glynda :

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then used her semblance to keep Y/n away from Ozpina.

Y/n " Oz I'm gonna say this once stay the fuck away from me or I'll stick that cane where the sun don't fuckin' shine. "

Ozpina " So your not here to accept my job offer? "

Y/n " Fuck no why would I want to work in the same building as the woman who dated me so their boss could get more information about me and then use me as your personal pawn. "

Glynda " Y/n I'm sorry about but listen to Ozpina. "

Y/n " Shut the fuck up ... you two made me kill so many people and Grimm, you think I'd be fit to teach these kids? "

Ozpina " Yes your experience is valuable for the next generation. "

Y/n " So your'e just using me again shocker that, did you give this any thought I mean I'm the dude that beat a bandit to death with a crowbar for the fuck of it and you think I'm fit to teach? Jesus I guess that punch did more than I realise. "

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