Chapter 3

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Glynda was teaching Y/n's class but wanted Y/n to be there.

Glynda " So no one knows Y/n is? "

Coco " No Professor Goodwitch why do you want him here? "

Glynda " To show him my teachings. "

Yang " Awww Professor Goodwitch misses her man. "

Glynda " [ blushing ] Don't bring my love life into this. "

Qrow then walked in.

Qrow " Glynda he won't be coming he's busy cleaning his car since someone wrote and I'm quoting this ' The person who owns this car belongs to Roma Torchwick. ' It's hilarious. "

Y/n " [ in the distance ] I HEARD THAT QROW! "



Qrow " Roma you here? "

Qrow " Roma you here? "

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Roma " Yeah. "

Qrow " Thank you for doing that It's funny as hell. "

Roma " Your welcome. "

Y/n then walked in visibly pissed off.

Y/n " It's cleaned anyone do something like that to my car again I'm breaking your bones, Roma I'm looking at you now Glynda why is it you want me here? "

Glynda " To show you my teachings and for you to see if they are using yours now then lets see if Salem's ex henchmen can actually fight. "

Y/n " Whoa whoa since when do we mention Salem so casually? "

Pyrrha " Since Professor Ozpina and General Ironwood made an announcement revealing the truth about everything. "

Y/n " When was this? "

Qrow " You were drunk so you don't remember. "

Y/n " What day? "

Qrow " Three weeks ago. "

Y/n " ... Oh yeah I was drunk and thankfully that time I didn't have a one night stand. "

Roma " Hmm I wish you was that drunk and called me back. "

Y/n " Oh my God listen Roma It was a mistake I was really drunk I had no idea what the hell I was doing and I'm not going to do it again ok? "

Roma " ... So what your saying is that you want our relationship with me? "

Y/n " Uuuuuuuugh. "

Roma " Any way have you met my friends Cinder :

Roma " Any way have you met my friends Cinder :

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