chapter 7

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Y/n was sat at his desk looking at his calendar on his scroll, it was his last day of teaching from the bet Y/n and Ozpina made. Y/n's students and the others walked in, Y/n wrote on the board ' potential last day ', the students started to whisper to each other.

Qrow " So Y/n you actually leaving? "

Y/n " I don't know it's been sort of fun doing this but still Cardinel hasn't stopped being a bitch so I haven't done my job sooo. "

The students and others chuckled even team Crdl then the doors busted open and Salem walked down to Y/n, everyone was on guard wondering what she was doing here.

Salem " Hmm you should keep teaching here. "

Y/n " Ok I'll bite why? "

Salem " Cause they, [ points at Glynda, Roma and Eva ] know where you are so you can sleep with each other and so I can. "

Y/n just blushed and Qrow laughed then Y/n's scroll went off he looked at it to see his car at a race track, Y/n stood up and accidently tipped the table.

Y/n " Who stole my fucking car?! "

No one answered and Y/n look to see a clock in the image showing it was taken 2 minutes ago.

Y/n " Son of a bitch I'm going to kill this fucker class dismissed. "

Y/n ran out his classroom and headed towards the racing track, when he got there he saw his car and some police officers there waiting for him.

Police officer 1 " Sir Ozpina sent us we are waiting on your instructions. "

Y/n " Ok let me deal with whoever stole my car then take them to jail. "

Police officer 2 " Yes sir. "

Y/n saw his car pull off the track and park nearby, Y/n walked up to his car opened his door then dragged the driver out. The driver was :

Y/n " You sack of shit you stole my car

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Y/n " You sack of shit you stole my car. "

Roman " And you fucked my sister twice. "

Y/n " Dude she's an adult she gets to make her own choices. "

Roman just didn't say anything else but then Roma appeared and started to walk up to Roman, Roman did the same but when they got close to each other she kicked him in the balls. Roman groaned in pain and fell to his knees.

Y/n " Damn that must of hurt. "

Roma " Listen brother I get you want to protect me and I want to protect you, but don't go after the people I love. "

Roman " He isn't right for you. "

Roma " You don't get to make that decision for me. "

The police officers then arrested Roman and took him to prison, Y/n noticed that Roma was upset.

Y/n " You ok? "

Roma " Yeah It's just I love him but he's an idiot. "

Y/n " An idiot that cares about you. "

Y/n sits down in the drivers seat in his car.

Y/n " He messed up my seat. "

Y/n then fixed his seat and Roma sat in the passenger seat.

Roma " [ whistles ] Always wanted to take a ride in this baby. "

Y/n " And now you can. "

Y/n then started to drive back to Beacon.

Roma " So are you gonna stay at Beacon? "

Y/n " ... Yeah it's been fun. "

Roma " That's good ... you know just before I asked you I called Ozpina and made he put this conversation on Beacon's speakers. "

Y/n " [ sigh ] God damn it Roma. "

Roma " Oh don't act like you don't love me. "

Y/n " If I do say that the other three would have my head on a pike. "

Roma " That wasn't a no. "

Y/n just blushed again and parked in Beacon's garage when both he and Roma got out they were surrounded by students cheering happy that Y/n was staying, Glynda then walked up to Y/n.

Glynda " Ozpina wants to go over your employment contract ... then meet us in your room. "

Glynd and Roma walked off while the students started to ooooh, Y/n walked to Ozpina's office but on the way he met Qrow.

Qrow " Told you, you were going to be good at this. "

Y/n " Get fucked Qrow. "

Qrow " I don't want to but you on the other hand certainly are with those four. "

Y/n didn't respond and walked past him.

Qrow " You may need to replace your bed though knowing you and those four. "


Y/n made it to Ozpina's office and signed the contract, he then made it to his room to see Roma, Eva, Glynda and Salem waiting for him. Y/n walked into his room and closed the door and when he did the screen turns black as this story ends

Author note :

I hope you enjoy

see ya in the next story bye

Words : 825

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