𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐱𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧𓇽

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I continued working on my hair and make-up, imagining how tonight would be. Dinner on the water, a small table for two on the deck, the area decorated with fancy lights and flowers. Any girl would be over the moon happy for this, it would be a dream come true. I knew I should be, but I couldn't bring myself any sort of excitement. Something in the pit of my stomach just kept on telling me not to go, to leave now. I knew it was because of JJ, and my judgement was clouded with the thought of how I wasn't doing this with him.

What kept me so tangled up in thoughts about him? It's been a month, and there's been no outreach. He doesn't show concern; he toyed with my emotions, lied to me—I should be angry, repulsed even. Yet, despite all this, theres moments where I can't help but miss him. Thinking about us surfing together, going on beach picnic dates, spending the day at that carnival again. That was my dream, the one I craved. Not the one that every rich girl would fantasize about daily.

I had to start realizing that what I craved was no longer a possibility, only a scene in my imagination. One which would not occur, would stay a dream. Today was my chance, to see other ways I could enjoy my life. This was a huge opportunity, one which could change both Diego's and my livestyle forever. We could leave the cut and be apart of the kooks. No more Papa, no more double shifts at work, no more fear. It would be a peaceful, privileged life.

I was pulled away from my thoughts when I heard a loud crashing sound from downstairs. I got up and gave a final look in the mirror, touching up any fly-aways in my hair.

Quietly I shut the door behind me, and made my way down the stairs. I was surprised to see Rafe on all fours, sweeping up the peices of a plate he must have dropped. Silently cursing under his breath.

"Having fun there Rafe?" I asked in a teasing way. 

"So much fun Brie—" he cut himself off once he looked up, his eyes meeting with mine. Taking his time admiring every inch of my body before talking again. "You look amazing sweetie, my taste in dresses isn't that bad after all"

"The dress is perfect Rafe, I just feel wrong wearing it. It seems so expensive and—"

"Only the best for you. I told you, dont worry about money tonight ok? Just worry about me and you" he replied, inching his way closed to me.

"I'll try. Do you want some help with your little mess?"

"Nahh, Charlene can clean it" he stated, wrapping his hands around my waist and bringing his mouth close to my ear. "I got some other things to worry about tonight."

A shiver went through my spine, not being able to tell if I should be nervous or excited for what he meant. He promised it would be a "get-to-know-you" date. Yet, all this planning made it seem like a bigger date than he claimed.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me with him outside his back door. We walked together through the very large yard, down the dock, and eventually onto the boat. I was in awe, seeing all the lights and small details he had put into this venue. It looked like a picture from a magazine, and I had trouble believing it was all for me. I looked around, inspecting the various bouquets of assorted flowers, the candles meticulously placed on each table. It was perfect, almost too perfect.

"Is this what you were expecting Brie?"

"More than anything I could have imagined. If my dad saw this, he would want me to sell my spot on this date," I stated jokingly, but deep down I knew that was the truth.

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