Chapter 1 : The Birth

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Chapter 1 : The Birth

Author's POV

Long before the kingdoms of Donovaz and Trodek.

Mankind had turned against the underworld.
They were now killing vampires, werewolves, witches, and every other paranormal creature.
They called them abominations and were intent on wiping out all life in the underworld.
They couldn't, for they wouldn't let them.
Humans and vampires lived in harmony in the underworld, never had there been a reason for a fight.
But man became greedy, for they wanted to live forever too. They were mortal, and they craved immortality. They wanted their offspring to live forever too.
They wanted vampires to marry them, and they wanted to give birth to hybrids just like them, but the supernatural court disagreed.
There was to be a balance between man and the underworld, which was set by the deities themselves.
In no way could man ever think to possess such power.
A human could never give birth to a vampire baby unless that human was mated to a vampire.

Man became aggravated at the court's decision and this led to a war.
Humans killing vampires, vampires killing humans, it never ended.
This fight continued but the witches had had enough.
A curse was laid upon man and the underworld, to settle the war once and for all.
"Mankind has forgotten where it stands and the blood suckers have used their powers wrongly, hence they will be cursed", Bethany, the oldest witch in the supernatural court said as she spoke to the then reigning king and queen.

"Because of the greed between vampires and kingdoms, the witches with the highest reigning power began to speak about the curse and how it would be broken."

"In 100 years, two kingdoms will be formed in the vampire world.
A king from the north and a king from the south."
"Because of the bad blood between humans and vampires, these kings must be mated to humans and these humans must not be turned until they give birth to a son."

"These sons will possess both human and vampire form, but they will be born as humans."
"They will neither drink nor eat blood until they reach the age of 25."
"Their mates will have the same fate as they, only that they will not be of royal blood."
"In the first month, on the 1st day will these sons be born, and their mates will be born the following year on the same day."

"Each son will have to live with the sorrow of his mate not feeling the mate bond for a full year."
"Together with their mates, they will wage war to end this battle against mankind."
"The womb of every female vampire shall be closed once these sons are born."
"There must be only one winner at the war, only then can everything go back to normal."
"Nothing can kill these two sons, for one son must kill the other only at war."
"If the mate of one son dies before her 25th birthday, there will be a forbidden ritual for that son, but that will come with a consequence."
"The dark power would automatically cover that son, and it will have a more powerful force than normal and the light power would be given to the other son, and it would be as strong as well."
"This son will be turned after the ritual, but his turning process will be longer and more excruciating than normal."
"He will wish for death instead of going through such pain."

"The death of one mate shall make the other mate stronger, as the dead mate's powers will be passed onto her and she will have both light and dark powers within her."
"She will be immortal just like her mate."
"Her mate must be victorious in order for her darkness to depart from her, or else the darkness will overpower and kill her."
"Each son must be turned to his vampire self before his 26th year is over, and they will be turned only after consummating with their mates."

"If a son does not complete the consummation process within the 25th year of their mates, he will remain a human forever and this curse will never be broken."
"Their mates and their families are to go into hiding once they are born, for there will be enemies who will try to kill them to prevent the war so as to wipe out the vampire lineage."
"Do not forget, this war must happen when both sons are within 26 years of age, for that is the age their parents will be when they are born."
"This war must take place, hence each son must be trained properly and must be taught everything concerning this curse, if enemies get their way and somehow this war does not happen, or if this war does not happen when each son must within 26 years of age, vampires will loose their immortality and every vampire soul will perish, making vampires extinct forever."

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