Chapter 12 : The Birthday

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Chapter 12 : The Birthday

Amani's POV

Liam and I offered to escort the king and queen to the throne room.
My grandmother was visiting today, so we were going to wait for her in the throne room.
Sapphire joined us and she opened the door when I saw that there were people in the throne room, whom I recognised as my parents, Jade and her parents and two other woman who were unfamiliar.

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw my parents before me.
I quickly ran to them and hugged them, with tears filling my eyes.
"Oh, our precious daughter", my father said.
Jade said and I engulfed her into a big hug.
"I missed you so much Jade!"
I said and noticed she was looking much different from when I last saw her.
She bared her teeth at me and I saw her fangs.
I was half happy that she was now a vampire, but I was a bit because I wasn't.

"We're so glad you're here", Jade's mother said.
"This is my mate Liam", I said gesturing to Liam.
"His twin sister Sapphire", I said gesturing to Sapphire.
"And this is King Derek and Queen Lilith, the rulers of Donovaz", I said gesturing to the king and queen.

"Mother, father, these are my parents Max and Augusta Karayan", I said and my parents came forward.
"Ah yes, we recognise them from 25 years ago, so great to have you once again", the queen said.

I was about to ask who the other woman were, but the younger lady screamed and the queen asked what was wrong.
She looked pregnant, and she looked like she was in a lot of pain.

The other woman whom I assumed was her mother, said she was in labour and needed to give birth quick.
The queen immediately ordered Liam to carry her to the castle clinic and in a flash, he carried her and they all went downstairs, including my parents.

I asked Jade who they were, seeing how everyone was worried about them and they gave them respect.
She explained to me as we followed then that they were witches who were helping with the prophecy, and the pregnant one was Cole's other mate.
I closed my mouth in shock when she said she was Cole's mate.
"Wait till you find out why she's in labour", Jade said, seeing my shocked face.

"Why, what happened?"
I asked.
"She tried to leave the castle but Cole got all weird and pushed her, so she fell on her belly and I think something happened to the baby", she said.
I opened my mouth in shock, how could Cole do that to his pregnant mate?

I could feel nothing but pity for the girl whom Jade referred to as 'Jemma'.
I hoped that nothing would happen to the baby, and I prayed that Cole wouldn't hurt them.

After Jemma was placed on the hospital bed, we all left the room except the queen and the girl's mother.
The king told me to help my parents settle in and that he would stay behind to help.
Jade left with our parents first and I signalled for Liam to come with us, but he decided to stay behind to help out.
I felt a bit jealous that he was caring for that witch, but I tried to understand the situation they were in.
I reluctantly left with Sapphire who told me not to worry.

She showed my parents their rooms and Jade and her parents had their own separate rooms too.
It was a relief that the castle was so big, or else it would have been packed with all four families in it.
My grandmother came later on, and my mother was thrilled to see her.
I explained how I had met her and my mother was moved to tears to see her mother once again.

We bonded and when time for dinner came, we went downstairs together.
Dinner was served and we all ate at the dining table.
It felt a little bit empty, with Liam and his parents being absent, but I was content with having my parents and Jade around.

We chatted and they narrated what had happened ever since they found out that Cole wasn't my mate.
I was surprised that he didn't do anything to them until now.
I figured that his evil powers were finally surfacing, seeing that I and Jade were turning 25 in less than a month.

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