Chapter 14 : The Liquor

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Chapter 14 : The Liquor

Cole's POV

I checked Bethany's coven and saw a girl that looked a bit like Jemma, and then I remembered that Jemma had a younger sister called Ava.
Silly girl was so terrified when she saw me, she even tried to use her powers on me but they were no match for me.

I was no longer the Cole they knew.
I was now a living dead, as there was no humane feelings in me.
I was controlled by the darkness in me, I only followed it's rules.
I thought that I could tame it, but the day I hurt both Jemma and Jade, that was the day I realised that I could never change.

Slowly, the hollowness filled my soul and clouded my mind.
Whenever I tried to be good, a voice in my head would ring and tell me to do something bad.
It was that voice that told me to strangle Jade until she passed out, but Bethany stopped me.

Deep down I wanted to be myself for even just a minute, but it wasn't possible.
I took Ava hostage and made her tell me the whereabouts of her sister and mother.
She objected at first, but after I crashed their house and killed all the witches I could find, she obliged and informed me that they were in Donovaz.

That bastard Liam.
He took everything.
My powers, My mate, Amani, and now Jemma.
I was ready to kill him, but I had to wait for the perfect time.
It was our birthday soon, and I knew that their kingdom borders would start to weaken and then everything would fall in place.

I had Ava enchant my warriors with a spell that would make them fight better and be unstoppable.
Now, I just needed to wait for the right time.
I couldn't show myself to them now, so Ava put a shapeshifting spell on me and I transformed into a weak human.
"Ugh, you stupid witch!"
"Why'd you make me look so ugly and puny?"
I yelled.
The poor girl began to plead and apologise, saying that my powers were preventing her from enchanting me and this was the only disguise that my darkness agreed with.
"I mean, it's not bad but..ugh", I said but looked at myself in the mirror and shook my head.

"I mean, I don't look that bad."
"But a redhead?"
"Why the hell would you do that to me!"
I asked in annoyance.
I looked different from my usual self, and it would trick any vampire.
I would have used my own powers, but I felt a witches' spell would be more effective.

The only problem was that the spell made me a redhead and I would look really noticeable.
"I..I am sorry, your majesty."
"There is no other option", she said while kneeling.
"Whatever, just get out."

"I don't wanna see your face", I said shooing her away and she bowed to leave.
I said and she turned back.
"Not a word of this to anyone."
"Especially Liam."

"The moment you open your mouth to say anything about me, you will loose your voice and will not be able to speak, for you have defiled me through disobedience to my command", I strictly warned and she looked terrified but walked away without doing anything.

I sat on my throne, thinking of how I was going to carry out my plan.
Our birthday was tomorrow, and I would have to go to their kingdom to see what was happening.

The next day.

After I successfully snuck into their kingdom, I teleported to their castle since I didn't know where it was. When I got there, I was in the garden and I looked for a way out but I heard voice so I hid.
I recognised Liam's voice accompanied by a female voice.
I hid behind a tree and looked in the direction of the voices and I saw Liam with Amani.
They looked so much in love and it irritated me.

I used my vampire hearing to listen in on their conversation and I mentally gagged when I heard them profess their love to each other.
My mouth was agape when I saw Liam kneel and propose to her.

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