Chapter 3 : The Ritual

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Chapter 3 : The Ritual

Amani's POV

I couldn't believe what my parents were saying.
Jade and I were part of a vampire prophecy?
This couldn't be real. We were normal, we were humans, but I knew deep down that we weren't.
Now that I thought about it, things had always been weird from the start. From that weird man five years ago, to my parent going out at night and coming back with blood on their shirts and my glowing eyes. All of these couldn't be a coincidence.
Jade didn't want to believe them as she stood up and told our parents that they were crazy.

"You want me to believe that we are vampires?"
"That's not possible!"
"Vampires are wicked souls that drink blood and kill humans."
"I can never be one of them!"
Jade said as she stormed out of the house, leaving our parents in shock.
"You believe us, don't you Amani?"
My mother asked.
"I...we need time to think Mom", I said as I went to find Jade.

When I found her, she was crying.
I hugged her and assured her that everything was going to be okay.
If what they said was true, we had at least 10 more years to spend until we found our so called mates and had the war.

"We, we have to fight each other Amani, I can't do that."
"You're my best friend", Jade said tearfully.
I wiped her tears and assured her that nothing of that sort was going to happen.
"Look at me, do I really look like I will hurt you?"
I asked her and she nodded indicating a "No".
"But, when you meet your mate, you might love him more than me and your heart may change", she said with a small voice.
I looked at her in surprise.

She was my best friend, I couldn't believe she thought that I would choose my mate over her.
"How can you say that Jade?"
"I've been your best friend for fifteen years!"
"I would never choose my mate over you", I said innocently but she wasn't having it.
"You don't know what you're talking about Amani."

"Haven't you read about mates?"
"Didn't our history teacher tell us about the bond that mates share?"
"There's no way that you can love me more than your mate" she said in a duh tone.

She was right.
In history class we were taught about the paranormal world and our teacher told us about mates.
She said that a mate was the second half of your heart and you couldn't live without them.
The bond that two mates share was so strong that they literally couldn't live without each other once they found each other.
And the mating process binded their souls, making it one.
I could ignore everything but I couldn't ignore the whole mate story.
I've seen how my parents acted with each other.
Whenever my dad was down, my mother felt the same.
It was almost like she could feel his pain and emotions.
Well, that wasn't something I could ignore.

I brought myself back to reality as Jade waved a hand in front of me.
"Ugh whatever, we'll talk about boys when we're older, now let's go home." "It's freezing out here", Jade said as she held my hand and we went back home.
We told our parents that we would try to understand the whole situation and that we needed time to think. They agreed and told us that we would talk whenever we felt like it.

That was the last time we ever spoke about the so called prophecy or vampire stuffs.
Jade and I graduated from high school and got into college.
We were the chosen mates in the prophecy, but that didn't mean that we could ignore our studies.
We made sure to make good use of the times we had left, because once we turned into vampires, there were many things that we wouldn't be able to do.

Five years went by and I was finally used to my parents being vampires. They said they only needed to feed once a month, which gave me relief because I didn't want them to go around killing anyone, or so I thought.

I slept over at Jade's house that day. Our parents said they'd be out so we decided to stay together.
Deep into the night, I found the urge to pee so I walked to Jade's parents' room to use their bathroom because I didn't want to wake Jade up.
Once I was done, I made my way to the bedroom when I heard sounds coming from outside.
It was as if someone was digging into the ground, and I wondered which person in their right mind would be digging so late at night.
I peeped through the windows, trying to not get seen as I looked in the direction of the sound.
A few yards away from the house, I saw my dad digging a hole and Jade's dad was assisting him.
My mother and Jade's mother were beside them, and they looked terrified as they continued digging.
I didn't know what to do as I continued looking to see what they were digging.
Jade called out my name from the bedroom and I went over to her.
She asked where I went and I told her I went to use to bathroom in her parents' room because I didn't want to wake her.
I didn't tell her about what I saw our parents doing because I didn't want to worry her.
I decided to forget about what I saw and went into a deep sleep.
Morning came and I went home after greeting Jade's parents.
My mother and father looked different from what I saw last night.
Rather than terrified, they looked happy, as if nothing ever happened.
I thought to myself that I was probably dreaming last night so I didn't bother to say anything to them.
I took my laundry to the washing machine when I noticed that my parents clothes were inside.
When the machine turned off, I took out the clothes to dry them, then I noticed a change in one of the clothes.
It was a white cardigan that my mother always wore when she went out at night, but it had a shade of red on it.
It didn't look like she wanted to die it, rather it looked like she spilled wine on it but the pattern of the spill didn't look like wine at all.
My mother called from the kitchen and I was snapped out of my thoughts.
I quickly dried the laundry and went to eat breakfast.
I tried bringing up the cardigan at dinner but I decided to keep quiet and not make it a big deal.
I just hoped that my parents weren't keeping anything from me.

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