Chapter 16 : The Stalker

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Chapter 16 : The Stalker

Cole's POV

I stood and watched them from a distance.
They were out here shopping when the world was about the end.
Jemma looked happy, more happier than she was when she was with me and I felt a sense of guilt.

Jade was with them, and I still remembered how terrified she looked the last time I saw her. She was no longer my mate, and I knew all she felt was hatred towards me.
I no longer shared the mate bond with any of them, as my powers had successfully removed every other force that was sharing my soul. Now I was a tool for the darkness in me, and it was increasing day by day.
My eyes drifted to Ava, and she didn't look as bright as they were.
I knew I was the cause of it. I had done something unforgivable to her and I couldn't forgive myself either.
When I woke up that morning, I didn't have any recollection of the previous night.
It was after a few hours that my memories started coming back, one by one.
I remembered how I defiled Ava in the kitchen, and I was left in horror when I remembered everything.

She kept begging me to stop but I was too intoxicated to hear her.
I searched for her but I never saw her, then I guessed that she would be in Liam's kingdom, and I was right.
I stalked them, right from when they left the palace.
Ava could talk, so I knew that she hadn't said anything about me to anyone.

They walked into the mall and went to the wedding stores.


That sneaky bastard.
He had the audacity to get married and here I was, mateless and alone.
I was jealous of the bond he shared with Amani.
If only our fates were interchanged, how different would things have been?

Amani would have been my mate, and I would be the Prince that was loved by everyone.
Now, I was just a stupid King who had slept with three different women in less than a year.

If I was human, I would certainly be a player.
There was no way I could stay committed to one woman.
I looked around and pretended I was shopping to avoid suspicions, as I watched them shop for stuff.

They couldn't tell I was the one, as I had the disguise that Ava conjured for me.
Only Ava could tell I was the one, and I didn't want her to see me.
I felt embarrassed for what I did to her and I couldn't face her.

My phone rang in my pocket and I quickly answered it when I saw it was my mom calling.
I went to the back of a store to speak to my mother.
"Hey Mom."
"How's it going?"
I asked.
We hadn't spoken in a very long time.
"Good son, really wished you were here."
"How is your mate Jade?"
"I can't wait to see her", she said and I felt a sense of guilt.

She wasn't aware of all that has happened ever since she left.
I just fed her with lies, saying I lived happily with my mate.
She wasn't even aware that she had a grandchild.
There was no need for her to know, since I never planned on bringing her back to the vampire kingdom.

She was safe out there in the human world, and she was living for herself and no one.
It was better than keeping her in this hell hole like my father did.
We talked for a while before I said goodbye and ended the call.
I turned to leave but I was surprised to see Ava standing behind me.
I didn't feel her presence and she really scared the shit of out me.

"Ohh, shit you scared the hell outta me", I said, trying to be cool. Normally, I would've shrieked.

"You're not the first to be scared", she said and folded her arms.
"What are you doing here Cole?"
"Did you think I wouldn't recognise you?"
She asked.
"Can't a Prince go out when he wants to?"
"And I'm allowed to visit this place now", I said in a duh tone but she wasn't satisfied with my answer.
"You've been following us for quite some time now."

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