Chapter 7 : The Truth

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Chapter 7 : The Truth.

Jemma's POV

I paced back and forth in my room frantically with the positive pregnancy test in my hand.
I had only slept with Cole three times and I started feeling weird a few days ago.

One would think that witches couldn't get pregnant easily, but that was a myth.
We were pretty much regular humans, only that we had supernatural powers.
I wasn't a human or a vampire, so I could give birth.
I didn't know how Cole's reaction would be, and I wasn't sure if I could be a good mother.

This baby was going to be a hybrid, and that would put them in danger.
When they grew, they would have to choose whether they wanted to be a vampire or a witch.

That bitch Jade was still unconscious and I didn't like her being in the castle one bit.
I wondered if she and Jade still shared the mate bond, he had mated with me but he never rejected her, so she was still his mate.

But I was his acquired mate, meaning that he had two mates.
I would make sure he rejected her as soon as she woke up.
I never thought that I would want her to wake up, but I really needed her to.

But that wasn't the problem now.
I had to hide my pregnancy from my mother and sister or else they were going to kill me.
I was to be a helper to Cole but I ended up falling for him and now, I was carrying his child in my womb.

I wondered if she would notice, so I did my best to stay out of her sight for the time being.
I didn't know how she would take me being pregnant for a vampire king and I didn't want to imagine.

Luckily, for the next few days, my mother didn't suspect a thing because she was too busy with witch duties.

I arrived at Cole's castle and he was in the throne room.
He was seated on the throne and he looked handsome as usual.
"Babe, where have you been?"
He said and I walked towards him.
"I'm so sorry baby, my mother had me occupied with so much work", I said and sat on his lap.

I tried not to look him in the eye for too long or else he would find out that I was pregnant.
He kissed my cheek and I smiled at him.
We were interrupted by voices and I looked towards the door and saw four elderly people whom I guessed were Jade's and Amani's parents.

They had a shocked expression on their face and I stood up from Cole's lap and he stood up as well.
"You, yo..uu, but you are Amani's mate", one of the two women said.

"How could you be romantic with another woman when your daughter is our mate?"
"My daughter didn't deserve this", one of the two men said.
"How could you!"
The second woman said and I figured she was Amani's mother.

"All of you", Cole spatted in annoyance.
"I can be with whomever I want to and none of you have a say in that."
"I am in love with this woman right here and I will make her my Queen", Cole announced, leaving all of us in shock.

"You foolish girl!"
I heard my mother say as she appeared via teleportation before us.
"Mm..mother", I said and went to meet her.
"I can explain Mother", I said trying to plead with her but she slapped me.

"Don't touch her!"
Cole said and used vampire speed to rush to my side, shielding me from my mother.
The four older vampires looked shocked when they saw him use this speed.

"You, you did this!"
"You deceived my daughter and now you have ruined her life", my mother said pointing to Cole.
"Mother stop, I love him", I pleaded.
"How could you Jemma?"
"Did you think you could hide it from me for that long?"
"I am your mother!"
"I knew something was wrong with you but I was too busy to notice."

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