20 Day Escape: Day 7

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Day 7:

"Where is the long road taking us today, beautiful?" A wide smile, awake eyes, which is surprising for such early hours in the morning. Surely, not as early as yesterday, but before the sun is fully up in the sky. 6 am was not my best hour.

"We're headed to Lincoln, Nebraska. That's about a 12 hour drive, so it'll be evening when we arrive." I clip my phone to the dashboard mount and press my foot down on the pedal, preparing myself mentally for a full day of driving. Thank god I had so much music.

"Is there even anything IN Nebras--" Len's stopped short as my phone begins going off. It's Misaki again, and I contemplate just ignoring it, but something in me pushes me to hit the green answer button.

"What do you need, Misaki?" There's a brief pause before Misaki lets out a deep sigh.

"He told me to tell you this is the last warning before he sends me to get you." I shake my head lightly. Honestly, does my father think Misaki, of all people, could possibly force me back home? "With Neru." ... super-strength robot? Maybe.

"Not happening Misaki, sorry." I quickly press the end call button, my heart beating a bit faster than before. I wasn't afraid of Misaki, but I also wasn't fearless. My father has a lot of money, I'm afraid to see what could happen.

"You okay?" Len's hand rests on my arm and I give him a reassuring smile.

"Yeah, sorry, just got aggravated." I take a deep breath. "This will be a long drive." Len stares at me for a moment before reaching over and selecting an artist on my ipod. His selection is A Rocket To The Moon, and my favorite song off their new album plays. First Kiss makes me think of Daisuke every time.


I wasn't too scared of Misaki or my father, because they still weren't exactly sure where to find me considering Len's tracker was disconnected. I wondered, in the back of my mind, whether or not my father could track things like my cellphone or credit cards, and I began to ponder if I should begin paying for everything in cash. But the time it would take for them to catch up would give me enough time no matter what. Misaki wouldn't be able to catch up at this rate.

"Nami, you've been spacing out for a while, are you alright?" I take a deep breath, finally coming back to a normal state of mind and wondering just how long I had been spacing out while driving. Jesus, I could've killed us both.

"Would you mind if we just stopped somewhere to stretch our legs for a while? I think I'm getting bored of driving."

"I thought you'd never ask." Len replies with a smile.

We were somewhere in Iowa, which was mostly cornfields and small towns. I pull over quickly to look up some things on my phone. The gps said we were about 15 minutes from Des Moines, and upon looking at things to do in the area, I noticed there happened to be State Fairs going on this week. My stomach cried out for fried dough, and there was no way Len had ever been on a ferris wheel in his entire life, even if it was just a shitty state fair one. We were going, and we were going to have the time of our lives.

"What are you doing?" Len asks quietly, and I tuck my phone back into the holster on the dash and pull back out onto the highway.

"Was looking up things to do, and you're in for quite the treat."

"Yeah?" Len asks, his blue eyes lighting up. "What are we gonna do?"

"We're going to a fair."


Nothing brings out the best in people like poorly put together rides and cheaply made fried foods. I don't think my smile has left my face since my entrance fee was paid. Len and I had shared some french fries, browsed through vendor stalls, and had just barely paid for ride tickets.

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