20 Day Escape: Day 6

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Day 6:

I wake up at 2 am, careful not to stumble over my own feet as I quickly stuff a backpack with my clothes. It would be about a week's worth of driving or more to get from New York to California, where Hideki Kenmochi's summer home was. Depending on whether or not my father sent someone after us, it could add on extra days to that. The keys to the rental car in hand, I step out quietly and shut the bus door.

The rental car had been sitting on the street just off the concert grounds, in a place that hopefully didn't seem to conspicuous. As I quickly and silently hustle over to the rented Audi TT convertible, I nearly jump out of my skin as a hand grabs my shoulder.

"I was starting to think you were chickening out!" Len's voice fills my ears, and I let out a breath of relief.

"It took a while for my dad to fall asleep, I couldn't pack ahead of time without look suspicious. Come on, let's just get in and go before someone wakes up." I sigh and unlock the car, throwing my bag in the bag and starting up the engine. "Did you leave a note for your sister?"

Len sits in the passenger seat and buckles up, "Yeah, nothing to lengthy Just that I had some stuff to take care of and that I'd be back soon. If she needs me, she can call you." I give a small nod in response.

"Let's hope she doesn't make a big deal out of this." I pull out from the street curb parking spot and head down the city streets towards the highway. "We just need to make it a few states away before 8am. The buses will start moving on program at 8, and it'll take a while if they decide to reprogram them and come after us. So I'd say we're a good ten to eleven hours ahead of them."

"Where do you think we'll wind up stopping?"

"Ohio." I turn on the radio and plug my iphone into the jack. "That's about 9 hours away, and they'll already be stuck programming the buses or just driving to the next tour location." I yawn. "Plus I'll need to stop for food and sleep at some point. Which reminds me, you can lay back for now, if you want. It'll be a long ride." I look over to Len who just gives me a blank face.

"I don't sleep." I look over again before looking back to the road, turning onto the highway.

"What? Vocaloids are supposed to, at the very least, go unconscious while charging. You're telling me that's never happened?" He shrugs.

"Nah, not really. I just wind up staying up all night playing games or something." I lean back a little in my seat.

"Well, that's a little odd. I'll check out your programming, if you'd like. Sleeping is nice, I know that Rin has dreams, so you'd definitely have some." Artist vs Poet's 'Whiskey Problems' begins playing over the sound system.

"What do you dream about?" My body sways a little to the song, and I try to think of my most vivid dreams. The tone of the songs brings a certain dream to mind.

"Well... Sometimes, I dream about this guy I used to like. But that ended a while ago, when he walked out of my life. I dream about scary things sometimes, like my father killing me, or someone else in front of me." I cringe and furrow my brow. "But I mean, it's not always bad. Sometimes I dream about a better future, like if I wound up being tour manager and my dad was out a job, or I'll dream about performing on stage, too."

"You have no control over them?" I snort.

"God no, I wish though. I'd sleep peacefully every night." I change the song to 'Close to You' and Len gets a large grin and nods his head.

"I love this song." I return his smile?

"Yeah? It's one of my favorites." I bop my head to the music "Trust me, girl you know we'd sit on the front porch and swing all day, watch the world as it melts away!"

20 Day Escape (Len Kagamine)Where stories live. Discover now