20 Day Escape: Day 11

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Day 11:

"Vegas, huh?" We stopped a bit sooner than normal the next day, because I had never been here before and I couldn't resist. "Wanna get hitched?" Len asks with a smirk. I roll my eyes as we exit the parking garage.

"We're going to see EVERYTHING today. I need to get the whole experience."

"No to question your plans, but is there even anything for people under 21 to do here?" I scoff. How dare he question me.

"You're kidding, right? Buffets, gardens, fountains, magic shows, shopping malls, atriums?! Vegas is FULL of stuff to do, which is why we're gonna walk through all of it." I reach my hand out to him, which he accepts with a reassured smile. I start down the main strip, already impressed by just the sheer amount of people here. It was a little after 4, and the night life starts early here. Sidewalks were crowded, but not so crowded that I still couldn't walk side by side with Len.

Which is good, because I'm not sure I'd be doing any of this without him.

"There's a lion habitat in here?" Len points to the giant MGM sign.

"Well, yeah, MGM is kind of known for the lions." Len tilts his head at this. Had he really not seen any MGM movies? "Let's go see them."

"But I have a little lion right here." Len pats the top of my head and I almost growl at him, but choose to let it roll of my shoulder and drag him inside anyways. It didn't take long at all to figure out where the lions were, it's basically in the center of the hotel and casino. "Wow, they're huge!" Len cries, dashing ahead to put his body up against the class. "Look, Nami, that one has bright orange hair, just like you!"

"Stop touching the glass!" I grab him and pull him back a bit "Jeez. you're gonna get us kicked out."

"Sorry," He rubs the back of his head with a smile. "Guess I really like lions." He nudges me at this, and I roll my eyes and look in at the habitat myself. There was lots of rocky perches for the lions to sit, a waterfall and river running through the whole thing. There was a caretaker in there doing a feeding, it was amazing how close he actually got to the animals.

"What do you think he's feeding them?" Len asks, and I stifle a laugh.

"After last night, you of all people should know that lions enjoy the taste of lamb."

I secretly just love making him blush.

We went through secret tiger gardens, bird habitats, a shark tunnel, multiple stores, a buffet, an art gallery, even a gondola ride in a replica of Venice. The evening seemed far too perfect.

I chose to end the night with a stop at the Bellagio. This would be it, the day before we reach Kenmochi. I was nervous, but we were right there, just at the edge of fixing this whole mess. The edge of achieving our dreams.

Everything was so perfect.

"Guess you can't really see the stars out here, huh?" Len asks, staring up at the sky.

"The lights are too bright in the city, this is the place that never sleeps." I lean on the railing, the drumroll starting from the loud speakers. The fountain show was about to begin. "I think there's still beauty here, though."

He turns his focus to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. "Yeah, you're here, after all."

"Too cheesy, 5/10." Len scoffs.

"That's at LEAST a 7 on the pick up line scale."

We share a small laugh and from the corner of my eye, I can see the fountains begin to go off. The music gets louder, but all I really wanted was to kiss him, to be with him again. I never wanted to go back to New York, but I did.

I had to fix everything, but I also wanted to stay on this escape-vacation forever.

"Len?" I ask, my voice barely heard over the music.


Was I really going to talk like this?

"You'll... When this is over, when we destroy the contracts... What will you do?" Len raises an eyebrow at this, encouraging me to talk more. I could feel myself getting a bit insecure, maybe a little uncomfortable with the possibilities of answers. "Will you.. still be with me?"

And his head falls to the side. And he's smiling.

"Why would I ever leave you?" My heart is relieved.

I swear the fountains went up full blast as we kissed in front of them.


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