20 Day Escape - Day 5

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Day 5:

My father is impatient today. I can see it in his eyes as I open the doors to his office, Len following after behind me.

"Nami, what a surprise. What brings you here?" He moves his hands from his computer keyboard to fold them on his desk.

"Len insisted he sits down in the conference room today and discusses a few things with you, I figured this would probably the only free time in your schedule today, so I brought him over." Len looks at my father, his eyes determined.

"Well, alright then, I suppose if it can be over with by 3, I can take this time to speak with you." He rises from his chair and approaches Len. My father glances at me, "Will you be waiting here to escort him back?" I give a nod.

"Yes, I'll just sit in a chair I suppose." I shrug and my father offers me a smile.

"Feel free to sit in mine and take any phone calls I may get, I've been waiting for one for a few days that hasn't come." I roll my eyes and sigh, reluctantly sitting in his office chair. Always an assistant first, I suppose. "Off we go then." My father places his hand on Len's back and the two leave the office and make their way to the conference room. I step over to my father's desk, taking a seat and letting my gut lead my actions-- I needed to find those contracts. As I turn to the side to reach for the cabinet, my eyes catch on a program on the computer screen. Dictation software for phones-- exactly what I needed. I double click the icon and scroll back a few days, finally stumbling over the name "KENMOCHI" in large letters on one of the transcripts.

KENMOCHI, HIDEKI - June 7th, 2014 - Outgoing Call, Missed- Voice Message

Kenmochi, I've been looking to get in touch with you regarding Miku Hatsune. It seems that her feelings for Kaito are still continuing, despite my past warnings. I'm aware that you're still legally the owner of her data core, and because of that I'm going to need you to sign a few papers that allow me to wipe her memory drive. Give me a call back when you can.

"What the fuck." I whisper, quickly having the transcript sent to the printer. I exit out of the program and reach down to dig through the cabinets attached to my father's desk. I dig through the folders, searching for Miku's file but seeing and empty space where it should be. I let out a huff and move to the 'K' section, quickly yanking Len and Rin's folders out and tucking them in my shoulder bag. I snatch the transcript from the printer and tuck that in safely as well. My hearts in my throat as I finally managed to sit back down quickly just as the door to my father's office is opened.

"Now that we have that all settled, Len-- You're good to go." Len gives a nod and waits for me at the door. I rise from my chair. "Did I miss any calls?" My father asks, taking his seat back.

"Nope, perfectly quiet." I force a smile and turn to head out the door.

"Nami, I'd like to speak with you. Privately." I turn over my shoulder to look at him before looking back at Len.

"Just wait outside, okay?" He gives a nod and closes the door behind him. I take a seat across from my father. Did he know already?

"Nami.. It has come to my attention that you've been spending some time before and after concerts with Len." Misaki, that dick, he ratted me out? "You can't lie to me, because I've seen the tracking reports." He leans forward and places his elbows up on his desk, folding his hands in front of him. "We need to make something very apparent right now, Nami. That is an android." What the fuck. "I don't care if you want to frivolously spend time entertaining yourself with a toy, but just remember that is not one I will let you break. His life is dictated around his musical career, and if you continue to keep him out past the set curfew, I will not hesitate to terminate the friendship between you two, understood?" My insides were burning. I wanted to punch him, I wanted to scream, I wanted to tear his office to shreds and make him watch as I set it up in flames. But flames are unnecessary when you're a tidal wave. Who needs fire when you've got a tsunami?

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