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I never thought that I was fragile.

Sure I thought I was weak, but fragile?

I didn't think so until I was told I was.

"You're fragile, that's why you're not going" is that really a reason?

"It's not your fault" oh but it is, if it wasn't for my stupid mental problems I would be going.

It's my fault that I was bullied in primary school.

It's my fault that I'm a terrible person.

It's my fault that I'm a disappointment to my family.

It's my fault that I'm weak, fragile and can't get better.

It's my fault that everyone hates me.

It's my fault for everything!

I am the problem, I am faulty, I am a mistake.

All I do is ruin people's lives.

I don't see anything else.

It's all my fault.

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