Result Day

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Today is the long-awaited result day after two years of relentless effort. Unfortunately, it's already been delayed by two days, adding to the suspense. Y/n and Saanvi dedicated themselves to their studies during this time, sacrificing the joys of life that others indulged in. While their peers enjoyed parties and trips, these two girls remained committed to their future and dreams, diligently studying in their rooms. Despite their hard work, the outcome remains uncertain until the results are finally revealed.

At 3:00 pm, Y/n paces impatiently in her room, her footsteps echoing with anticipation-left, right, left. An hour crawls by until finally, a notification appears on her phone: "UPSC CSE results out." Her heart skips a beat, and her hands tremble as she feels a wave of sweat forming. With trembling hands, she opens her laptop and navigates to the UPSC website, her pulse racing with nervous energy.

Y/n exclaims in frustration, "Damn it, why won't this site open? I can't handle this waiting anymore, just open already!" Another notification pops up on her phone, informing her that the UPSC site has crashed. Y/n's frustration boils over as she exclaims, "What the hell is this? How much longer do I have to wait for this result?" After several failed attempts to access the site, she grows weary and frustrated. "I think I need to take a nap," she says, defeated by the agonizing wait and the queasy feeling in her stomach.

Y/n attempts to relax on her bed, hoping for a brief nap to calm her nerves. However, relaxation eludes her as impatience gnaws at her, prompting her to check the site every five minutes. After an agonizing hour and a half of waiting, she notices that the site is finally working. Hastily, she springs from the bed, grabs her laptop, and rushes to check her result. Just as she reaches for her laptop, her phone rings, interrupting her in the moment of truth.

Saanvi: Hey Y/n, have you checked your result yet?

Y/n: (frustrated) I was just about to, but then you called.

Saanvi: Oh, sorry about that. Well, go ahead and check it. I won't spoil the surprise for you.

Y/n: Surprise? What surprise? Anyway, let me see. You stay on the line, okay?

Saanvi: Sure thing, I'm here.

Y/n opens the result PDF and nervously searches for her roll number using the search bar. To her shock, her roll number appears at the very top of the list, indicating the first rank. She hesitates, thinking it might be a glitch or some other issue.

Y/n: Let me check it again, just to be sure.

Once more, her name appears at the top. She's both surprised and shocked, questioning if it's real. Could she really have secured the first rank?

Y/n: No, this can't be right. How could I possibly get the first rank in UPSC? I've never held any rank in my entire academic life.

Y/n: (noticing something in the PDF) Hold on a minute, what's this? There's another name besides mine, also holding the first rank. (And yes, it's none other than Saanvi.)

Y/n: Wow, is this really possible?

Author's Pov-

Indeed, in the world of Y/n and Saanvi, such an outcome is entirely possible. They are not just friends; they are like two halves of the same whole, sharing a bond that transcends the ordinary. Their thoughts, actions, nature, likes, and dislikes align so seamlessly that it almost feels as though they are one soul inhabiting two bodies. In their journey together, they defy expectations and achieve the extraordinary, proving that true companionship knows no bounds.

End of Pov-

Saanvi: (on call) Hey, you goofball, it's true! We both got the first rank.😆

Y/n: Wow! 😲 How can two people be this similar? Anyway, Berry (Saanvi's nickname), we did it. We're selected, and our dreams have come true.

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