Part 58

327 7 18

Allison's POV

It's been around 2 weeks since Mattheo was given the riddle, we don't even know how long he has until this person dies. Well gets Avada-Kedavrad. And that's taken a toll on Mattheo, he's so nervous and it's spending every free second trying to figure the riddle out.

I've also spent time catching up with the Beauxbatons girls and Madam Maxime, I've been tending to the unicorns which is absolutely amazing and now I'm trying to convince Hagrid to get unicorns for our school. I've also been hanging out with Durmstrang students and Ilvermony students well except Noah, I'm keeping my distance from him.

Elena and Nova have been getting along really good, and they both welcomed Delphine to their group. They are all a really great trio. Jace and his boyfriend have become friends with Olivier, and to be honest the more I get to know him the more I'm getting a creepy vibe from him. I mean he's always smiling and never seems to get upset, am I probably over thinking this? Most likely Yes. But he just gives a weird vibe.

But today is the day of the first quidditch match, Dumbledore has done it so that along with the 3 other schools having their teams, Hogwarts has each house competing. So I'm the end when it comes to down the final it could be 2 Hogwarts houses against each others, which is stupid but Dumbledore wants to drag the scores out.

The scoring of the game consists of each house and school playing each other, the scorers keeping track of how many points each school/house has in each round and whether they won or lost the match. So after everyone has played each other they add up the scores from each house/school and the two highest scoring schools or tied schools/houses play each other. Just so the scorers can award 1st, 2nd and 3rd place to anyone. And there is a prize for the house or school that wins, but the prize has not yet been announced.

The first match is Slytherin vs Durmstrang, there's nothing like shoving a bunch of teenagers who's parents are most likely death eaters and are probably going to become one on a pitch together. I mean my job is easy I'm a seeker so all I have to do is dodge the budgers and keep an eye out for the snitch, which in retrospect seems really easy but when your like 30 feet of the ground it isn't easy.

The match starts at 10, currently it's 7am. So I slowly and when I say slowly I mean it, I slowly get out of bed and jump into the shower quickly before changing into some shorts and a sports bra and top, I put on my socks and then trainer socks. I leave my dorm and head into the common room to see Mattheo, Jake and Draco all sitting their. "Hey guys" I say walking over to them.

Mattheo takes a second glance at me before pulling me onto the couch "so what are you doing, why did you pull Allison down?" Jake asks Mattheo, "I don't want people to stare at her" me and Draco both laugh "I'm just going on a run before breakfast" he mumbles something but none of us hear him.

I peck his lips before getting up and walking out of the common room much to Mattheo's dismay. The corridors are mostly quiet as most students are asleep, the lessons today have been cancelled as the tournament is happening. So everyone and I mean everyone including all of my friends have taken it upon themselves to sleep in until 9 and then they all have to wake up.

I make my way down to the quidditch pitch and turn on music on my phone before putting my headphones in my ears, then I start my run. The air is cold, crisp and foggy. But not spooky foggy more so a faint foggy, you can see everything except in the distance where it's slightly blurry. It's nice, calm.

After 20 laps I check my watch and see the time 7:45, ok so I have another 45 minutes to run. So I continue well that's until I'm interrupted by someone shouting at me, I take my headphones out of my ears and turn to see Elena and the rest of the Durmstrang boys following behind her while she runs towards me.

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