My secret was surgically removed by a fucking cube.

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Be Karkat because he doesn't have enough representation in this!!

I woke up to a thud. What was that? I don't know. I should probably not check it out, it's probably nothing. Mostly because those dumbasses in horror movies check out every loud noise they hear and then get brutally murdered for it.

I looked over at Nepeta, and she looked back at me. Everyone was awake now.

You know what? I should check the sound out anyway. I am those horror movie characters. I WILL BE THOSE CHARACTERS WHO MAKE THE MOST IDIOTIC DECISIONS AND THEN DIE.

I got up and went to check it out. Yura was on the floor, looking shocked and angry at the same time.

"THE FUCK HAPPENED IN HERE?" I asked, sitting down on the spot.

"Vriska happened."


"Vriska took the cube from me."

I just sighed. What did a cube have to do with anything? I just got up and walked away. Where was Vriska anyway? Oh there's Terezi, she'll definitely know where Vriska is.

"HEY TEREZI, DO YOU KNOW WHERE VRISKA IS?" I asked her while she was in the middle of watching chaos happen.

"NOP3. H4V3N'T S33N H3R," She replied without even turning her head to me. I shrugged and walked away, flopping onto the hard floor.


I didn't even know why I wanted to know where she was. It was probably because when she was gone, I knew that something bad would happen. Especially in this place. This new place that neither of us had been in for long.

I let out a long sigh and then sat up. Then I just sat there, listening to all of the small noises.

I heard a laugh, and then something landed next to me, lighting up. I sat up, picked up the cube and examined it, and then saw Vriska come out from behind a corner. She was the one who was laughing. "Well, well, well! Isn't that a pleasant surprise? Not very pleasant for you, 8ut for me it's gold!"

"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" I looked at the gliwing cube and then back at Vriska.

"Don't tell me the cu8e's lying, mutant8lood," She smirked in an evil way. I threw the cube away and it flickered off.

"...HOW... WHAT...?" I tried to form words. "WHY DID YOU...? I TRUSTED YOU! WHY DID YOU DO THIS?"

"Ha! Why did you trust me of all people? You know someone's naive when they trust me." Vriska picked up the cube. "Now, then, Yura said that he had something he had to do, and I'm going to talk to him a8out it and you're going to help. Or else."

"..FINE," I couldn't decline. There was really nothing I could do anymore. She knew and she could use it to make me do basically anything until I completely broke, and then she would just tell everyone anyway because I would be no use to her anymore. "WAIT. YOU KNOW WHAT? NO."


Vriska stood there with a genuinely confused look on her face. Then a grin spread across her face. "Really? Oh, Karkat Vantas, you have made the worst decision you can possi8ly make."


"I thought you were smarter than that," Vriska's face turned a little more serious. I just stood my ground, glaring daggers at her while she stared back, seemingly unimpressed. "8ut actually, you really mean that? You're sure?"


"What a 8ummer!!!!!!!! I really thought you would! 8ut noooooooo, you had to go and t8ke my prize fr8m me 8y flat out declining????????" Vriska got slightly angry, then tossing the cube around in her hands. "I guess I have no other choice now. See ya never!" She ran off to Jegus knows where, the cube still in her possession. I was left there to contemplate whether this was the actual right decision.

POV SWITCH!! You somehow end up as Jade Harley?

I was just sitting in my room, honestly waiting for something to happen. Then I looked at one of the reminders I put on my finger. Oh yeah! Nepeta!

I jumped up out of my seat, grabbing myself a jacket and just packing a few things into a bag. "Bec!!!" I called, and he appeared a moment later. "Hey! Can you take me to Russia? I'm sure you know exactly where to go! You always do. But my friend is in trouble or just stuck here and I want to help!"

Bec just dog-sighed and I hugged him, zapping away to that one part of Russia. He gave me a look that told me to be safe and then zapped off to do his own thing. I examined the area. It was a small rectangle part of an alley, one that was connected to some other alleys and backroads. I knew where to go. Of course I did. So I went. I started walking, hearing people talking in the distance. It was quite cold, actually, that's why I brought a jacket.

Soon I got to the house of Yura, the one who had all the trolls in his home. But he would have asked where I got his address.. No, it's fine! I'm not suspicious at all! Just a girl who's basically a dog, plus part dog, showing up at a random house that is the right one without even being given an address. I raised up my hand, drawing in a breath, and knocked. Oh, it's Yura! He opened the door and looked down at me, confused.

"And who are you?" He asked. I giggled.

"Well, I'm Jade! Jade Harley! I'm here because of the trolls?" I explained, acting as friendly as humanly possible to him so I didn't scare him off.

"Oh, uh, how exactly do you know them?"

"You don't even need to know that, silly! I don't have time for stories now anyway. Nepeta told me she was here."

"Nepeta? The really short cat one?"

"Yeah! That sounds just like her!" I smiled, because, well, I found them and didn't need anything or anyone else to help find them!

"Uh, alright, well I guess I should let you in," He opened the door wider so I could enter, and I saw the house almost empty. But there was Aradia, sitting on the couch in a criss-cross position and sipping a juice box.

"oh! hello jade," She smiled and I smiled and waved back.

"Hi Aradia! Do you know where Nepeta is?" I asked her, excited to see any of the trolls, honestly.

"oh, yes, she's in the room at the end of the hallway."

"Okay, thanks!"

«────── « ⋅ʚ⚛︎ɞ⋅ » ──────»

Woooooo! I finally got over my stupid writer's block!!

Anyway, yeah. Here's another totally amazing chapter that leaves you on a cliffhanger ;3

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