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"and i think you mean nightmares

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"and i think you mean nightmares." _________________

        THE next morning i woke up earlier than everyone else to find Marvel still sitting awake putting out the fire, it was super unexpectedly hot out making me sweat in my sleep. "your finally awake,"

Marvel said and i smiled nodding. Now that i was so up close to him i noticed his golden green eyes and beautiful freckled face, he was really good looking up close.

"anything happen while i was sleeping?" i asked and he shook his head softly his brown curls bouncing back and forth.

I grabbed a water bottle before getting up stretching smelling myself, i was already getting dirty, i've never slept outside or experienced such heat. my hair was dirty along with my face that covered in dirt and blood.  - I headed to the lake now slipping off my jacket.

"i had such horrible dreams in here, i don't know how anyone sleeps." I said looking at marvel.

"i couldn't at all...and i think you mean nightmares." Marvel half smiled before looking down as i stayed quiet before breaking the silence.

"I'm gonna go...wash up in the lake, if you want to come?" I said to Marvel quietly looking at Cato and glimmer who slept cuddle up to each other which made me again - livid, Peeta sat sleeping up against a tree, spear by his side. i gave Marvel a wink and headed down to the shore watching him quickly get up following me.

I felt the cold refreshing water before slipping off my pants and shirt watching Marvel stare at me in my bra and underwear. "are you coming in?" I giggled at him before he stumbled over his words.

"y-yea...sorry." He dropped his weapon and followed my lead as i went in diving in slowly. Marvel slipped his jacket off and then his shirt, taking his pants off last. It was that easy to make him drop his guard - pathetic.

Marvels body was built and full of muscle. It made me realize why his score was so high and why he had been chosen to be a tribute in these games. (districts one and two either you volunteer or get picked to volunteer.)

He joined in me in the lake smiling biting his lip watching me wash off the dirt and blood from my face that came from yesterday's horrific bloodbath.

"I can see why Cato likes you so much, your really...really beautiful Alice. And pretty a good teammate." He said sweetly and i just blushed taking out the hair do my stylist gave me earlier which was two braids.

"really? you think so...and cato doesn't like me trust me...he's a slut." I said honestly moving closer to him. to be totally honest that was the first time anyone had ever called me beautiful- well any boy.

I could tell i made him nervous, boys will still be boys in and outside of the arena. I wanted him to think i liked him so i could possibly trick him if i needed to, he was a nice guy and i sort of did like him...but there is only one winner after all.

LOVE GAMES : CATO HADLEY  x OCGWhere stories live. Discover now