Chapter 5

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Although I love my teammates and coaches at Depaul, something didn't feel right. We got knocked out of march madness early and Stanford ended up winning it all. Like I said something didn't feel right. I loved Chicago and the environment was nice, but it was something I was used to growing up. I had also been to quite a lot of Depaul men's basketball games because my dad made me go. I love Depaul but it was nothing new. I needed a new environment and a new school.

I told my coaches and teammates about me entering the transfer portal. They were upset but they understood since I basically grew up here and needed a change. The only people I needed to tell were Aaliyah and my dad. I knew telling Aaliyah would be easy since I already mentioned it to her before but my dad on the other hand...

School had just ended about a week ago so I decided to drive down to my parents house. I pulled into the driveway, more nervous than ever before. I get out of my car and head towards the door. I open the door with my key and the house is silent.

"Mom, dad, I'm home!" I yelled out.

"Hi honey i'm coming" My mom yells back.

She comes up from the basement and gives me a smile.

"Where's dad?" I ask.

"He's coming home from work right now. He's super excited to see you!" She exclaims.

"Yeah, about that I need to tell you guys somethi-" I get cut off by the sound of a car pulling into the driveway. My dad steps out of the car and walks into the house. I go give him a hug and he smiles at me.

"Y/n was just saying she has something to tell us" My mom says, giving me a look.

"And what might you need to tell us?" My dad asks.

"Well I wanted you guys to know before the media, but i'm in the transfer portal" I say.

"I'm proud of your decision" My mom says, hugging me. My dad on the other hand was fuming.

"Why?" He asks, showing no emotion.

"I've grown up with Depaul my whole life and I need a change" I say to him.

"You can also go change into a new house then" He says.

"Babe you don't mean that" My mom says in response.

"Get. Out. Now" My dad says angrily. I walk out of the door as tears prick my eyes.

Me and my dad have always had a close bond. He was always there for me and taught me almost everything I know. We were as tight as can be but hearing him say that made me start bawling my eyes out once I reached my car. I drove back to my dorm and called Aaliyah to tell her the news. 

"OH EM GEE" Aaliyah squeals.

"Might have to transfer to Uconn, we'll never know." I say smirking.

"Wait, are you coming to Uconn?" She asks, hoping I say yes.

"Maybe" I say, a big smile plastered on my face.

"WAIT ACTUALLY?" She asks.

"Yes, Uconn has always been a dream." I responded.

"I told my dad though, he wasn't too happy" I say.

"I'm so sorry Y/n" Aaliyah says.

"It's okay I'm just happy to go to uconn" I replied. We say our goodbyes and I lay down on my bed. I told the people helping me transfer that I wanted to go transfer to Uconn but I never made it official. I texted my manager to make it public, and I laid down on my bed drifting off into sleep.

It was morning and my phone had been blown up. Texts from my mom, friends, teammates and even former coaches congratulated me for transferring to the best basketball school in the nation. I didn't respond to any of them except for my moms. I'm happy she still loves me after the switch.

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