Chapter 7

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It's about the middle of October, and practices have been going well. I have been catching Paige glancing at me almost every practice, but I've convinced myself she's just looking in my direction. I think the team is starting to like me a lot and I'm liking them too. Me and Azzi have also been a lot closer. I've also been making new friends outside of basketball. I met this girl named Taylor from the volleyball team and we've grown pretty close. We hang out a lot and she knows all about the drama between me and Paige. I went to her game's and she said she was going to come to mine so I can't wait to show her my talent. I just hope I play well in the games.

Today we have practice as always and we're going to be scrimmaging the boys. It's going to be my first real-ish game today so I need to make a statement today. Coach said we were even going to have real refs and there going to be counting on the scoreboard. We also are going to play in Gampel so it's going to be a big test.

I get to Gampel and head to the locker room to change into my game jersey. Coach said we would be wearing them today to make it seem even more like a real game. I grabbed our home uniforms like we were told to wear and I started to head to the athletic room to get my knee taped. I had dislocated it my senior year of highschool, but I recovered quickly. Every once and awhile it will ache so I tape it to make sure it doesn't give out or so I don't hurt it again. While I was in the pt room I met Janelle, our team physical therapist, she helped me stretch and gave me some quick knee workouts so I would be more comfortable playing.

I went back to the locker room because we had 10 minutes until warmups started. I saw Aubrey and Nika so I went over to catch up with them and just talk about the game. We chatted for the whole 10 minutes because they were also just waiting for the scrimmage. While we talked, all of our other teammates arrived and some joined in our conversation too. We started heading to the court and shooting around. The boys arrived a couple minutes after us and started warming up too. The game was about to start and Geno called us over to give us the rundown of the game. Paige, Olivia, Christyn, Aaliyah, and Evina would start. I wasn't mad about not starting because I was new to the team. I was going to try to earn the starting spot though.

The game starts off well and we get an early 3-9 lead. There was about 6 minutes left in the quarter when I heard CD, our assistant coach tell me to check in. I go and kneel down by the scorers table and suddenly the nerves go away. I feel like I'm at Depaul again checking back into the game. I sub Christyn out and I get ready in my spot on offense. I was along the 3 point arc and had a clear lane since the boys were in a 1-3-1 zone. I got the ball passed to when I was cutting and euroed their big in the paint. Our bench started going crazy as I ran down the court trying to act unfazed. I kept getting bucket after bucket but still passed the ball. At the end of the 2nd quarter I had 12 points and 4 assists. We head back to the locker room for our halftime break. We got a talk from Geno saying we needed to rebound more. I got a few 'Good job's from my teammates but one stood out to me.

"Your playing really well" Paige said to me,

"Thanks you are too steph curry" I say laughing. Paige had been raining 3s the whole game so I had to add a little joke. We headed back out and the game began. I started the 3rd on the bench and Azzi was going off from mid-range and I kept hyping her up from the bench, earning a few smiles. I checked back in and Geno had me playing at power forward since our current line-up was pretty small. The ball got passed to me in the paint and I started to post up. I went for a spin move but the person guarding me decided to try to block me as hard as he could, swinging down on me and making me lose my balance. I tried to catch myself but my feet got tangled up in his so I landed on my thumb awkwardly.

"TWEET" A whistle blew, indicating a foul had been called. My hand hurts so bad. I'm laying on the ground for a couple of seconds when I feel 2 pairs of hands on me trying to help me up. I recognize the 2 pairs of hands as Aubrey's and Paige's.

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