Chapter 22

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Paige POV

How could I be so stupid? Riley Martin? Kate Martin? How did I not put these pieces together? Y/n's blushing over her too? Y/n probably knew all along that they were sisters. Do you think they talk a lot? Seems like they are having a pretty fun time over their talking about God knows what.


Flashback | Y/n's First Season at Depaul

"Cmon we're gonna miss the bus!" Anaya yelled as she was frantically running around the house, making sure she had everything.

"Dude I'm already packed and ready-" I start.

"Did you-" Now it was my turn to cut her off.

"Yes I double checked now lets go before you make us miss the bus" I said. Today we're playing Iowa. It was one of those out of conference games since we're only a 4 hour drive away from each other.







We eventually made it to Iowa and since it's a same-day game we immediately headed to the arena to get warmed up.

Our squad walked in and headed straight to the locker room, getting changed, and doing pregame rituals. I was always first on the court, so I headed there right away. I got to the court and noticed an Iowa player on the other side alone, just like me. I was too focused on getting up pregame shots though so I continued listening to music and doing my warmups.

I finally just decided to look over at who was shooting. Kate. Martin. Now I only knew her because of the tiktok edits that show up on my for you page of her but damn she's even finer in person.

I mean I wanna go say hi to her but would that be weird? Would she brush me off because I'm an opponent? My train of thoughts were quickly snapped when she looked up at me and made eye contact with me. She smirked and said something.

"What did you say?" I asked, removing my headphones so I could hear her this time.

"I said you're a good basketball player and good luck today." She said getting closer.

"Omg thanks.." I said blushing.

"I wasn't expecting THE Kate Martin to call me good." I say rubbing the back of my neck.

"Well aren't all good hoopers pretty?" She shrugged. Omg. Is Kate Martin seriously flirting with me? I guess I should flirt back.

"Stoppp you're just as good looking." I say. We continue small talk about the game and eventually our teams come out and we start warmups.

Present Day

I can't believe Kate is on the phone right now. I mean I knew they were sisters but I didn't know how close they were.

I was sitting next to Riley when she called so I was also on facetime.

"So this is my friend Y/n." Riley starts.

"I believe we've met..." Kate says, smirking. That smirk gets me every time. God she's making me blush.

"Wait really? When?" Riley asks, looking back and forth at us.

"Just a basketball game, where a pretty hooper played" She says smiling at me through the phone. Now don't get me wrong Kate is a very attractive woman but I'm not looking for a relationship right now. I'm focused on March madness coming up.

"Kate stop flirting with my friend omg." Riley says laughing.

"I'm gonna go shoot hoops." Paige says standing up. Everyone looks at her like wtf is she talking about.

"Paige it's 9, are you sure?" Azzi asks.

"Yeah I'm sure. Anyone wanna join?" She offers.

At first no one replies but then Ice says she'll go with her.

They both leave. But the way they left were exact opposites. Paige stood by the door the whole time basically telling Ice to hurry up while Ice made sure she said bye to every person there. Paige left without saying bye to anyone.

Riley eventually hung up the phone with Kate and I moved up to sit in Paige's old spot, next to Azzi.

"What the hell was that all about?" I whisper to Azzi.

"I think she's a little jealous." She says, looking between me and Kate who was about to get hung up on.

"Why would Paige ever be jealous of me?"

Paige POV

"I just can't believe she would start flirting with her in front of everyone!" I say.

"It sounds like someone's a little jealous..." Ice says, swishing her shot.

"Bro I'm not jealous..." Maybe I am.

"Wanna play Horse?" She says.

"Uhh sure." It was really random but hey, a basketball game is a basketball game.

"I'll go first." She starts.

She goes to the free throw line and swishes it. I then follow behind her. I would say i'm a really good free throw shooter so this should be easy. I take a breath in and dribble once before shooting. Right as I shoot Ice yells "Y/n!"

I miss my shot and look at her.

"That's cheating." I say.

"It shouldn't matter if I scream or not because there's always gonna be people doing that at games." She shrugged. She does have a fair point.. but still!

"And you missed because I yelled Y/n" She says.

"No I didn't" maybe I did.

Me and Ice shot around for another 10 minutes before realizing we have a game tomorrow. We headed home at around 9:30 and made sure everything was locked up in the gym. Ice drove us home. We got to the dorms and we headed upstairs to where all the rooms are. Right as O got to the top of the stairs I noticed Azzi and Y/n talking.

"Hey guys!" I say walking up to them.

Azzi mouthed me a quick 'you good?' before I nodded and focused on what Y/n was saying.

"Did you get some good shots?" She asked.

"Yea but Ice kept messing me up, you know her." I say laughing.

"Well I'm headed to bed, night yall!" I say.

"Night P" Azzi says.

"Sleep well Paige," Y/n says. Something about her telling me to sleep well just warmed my heart. I headed back to my dorm and made sure to get a good night's rest for the start of the big east tournament tomorrow.

A/n: This is really short but whatever! Hello everybody sorry for leaving you on tha cliff hanger and YES it is Kate Martin, thought I would troll yall.... Drama to come in chapter 23 though... I already have it written out and it will be posted March 28th at 9:45 PM!!!

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