Chapter 24

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Azzi POV

Y'all already know it! On our way to round 2 in the BET. My ride home from today's game is Y/n and she said we're going to chick-fil-a so now I'm even more excited. Me, Paige, Y/n, and Aaliyah we're all doing our big ones today. We all had 15 pts or more and you could say the team had on goggles.


"Azzi man, I'm tired" I say. We're currently on our way to Chick fil a to pick up food.

"Why are we even going here in the first place? We could just eat at home." Azzi says.

"I told Carol I would get her whatever she wanted so here we are, plus who doesn't love post-dub chick fil a?"

"True that."

I pull in and take me, Azzi, and Carol's orders. We drive home and I rush up to Carol's room. Azzi does as well but it's not that easy too when you're stuffing your face full of chicken nuggets.

"Here you go m'lady" I say entering the room and setting her food on her desk.

"Thanks Y/n" She says with a smile.

"How ya feeling?" I ask.

"Do you need advil?" I ask again.

"I'm feeling better and I can just get it myself, I insist." She says.

"No, no, no lemme go get it for you." I run out of the room as Azzi enters.

"Be right back Azzi!" I yell before darting away to our medicine cabinet. I grab the Advil and run back upstairs.

"Yeah she had a good gam-" Azzi starts before I run into the room, out of breath.

"Here you go." I say handing the medicine to Carol.

"I was just talking about how well you played today." Azzi says with a smile.

"She had what? 25?" Azzi asks.

"I wouldn't have scored if it wasn't for your dimes." I say patting her on the back. We all eat our food and fill Carol in on the game and what she missed.

Eventually, me and Azzi finish our food and head up to our room. We get unready and do our night routines. After a long day of basketball and a fulfilling meal, I doze off, ready for tomorrow's Championship game.


So much has happened in the past week, let's go over it. Carols back to playing normal, we won the Big East Tournament AND we got to have tons of fun celebrating. One thing I forgot to mention is that we got our regionals for March Madness! We're going to be in the Greensboro regional with the #1 seed!! I'm so happy, but one thing I'm not happy about is the 2 seed. Iowa. We're most likely going to play each other in the elite eight if neither of us lose.

I'm chilling on my bed about to take a quick power nap before practice when all of a sudden I get a call.


"Hey bookie" She answers.

"I haven't talked to you in a minute, how are you?" I say.

"I'm good, I saw yall won the Big East Championship!"

"Yeahhh I saw y'all won the ACC tourny too"

"You know how us Card's do it." She says laughing.

We catch up for a bit before I start getting really tired. If I don't sleep now, practice is going to be hell.

"It was really nice catching up with you Hailey but I need a pre-practice nap. I hope I get to see you at March Madness tho!"

"Yeah get your sleep girl, I'll see you, trust!" She says.

it's almost like you never left (Paige Bueckers)Where stories live. Discover now