Chapter 14

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*little disclaimer: i'm writing this the day of the creighton vs uconn game so if you watched that game it's going to be based off of it, prayers up for aubrey though 🙏*


Tomorrow is going to be my first game with Uconn. I'm so excited, and we also play away against Louisville. I finally get to see Hailey. Me and her got close after the world cup. We hung out during our free days and we call every once in a while. She knows all the drama with me and Paige and I even told her about the stuff with Saylor. I trust her so much and I know she won't tell anyone.

Since tomorrow is the game that means today's travel day. We got through customs and what not and we sat down at our gate waiting for the coach to tell us who we were sitting with.

"Okay everybody, whoever you're sitting with on the plane will be your roommate at the hotel. There will also be one group of 3"

"Okay" Everyone said. He started to read off the names.

"Ice and KK

Ines and Olivia

Nika and Aubrey

Q and Christyn

Evina and Amari

Azzi and Ayanna

Jana and Ash

and Paige, Y/n, and Carol will be our group of 3!" He finishes.

I absolutely love Carol so I'm glad I'll be able to spend this trip with her. The discussion of who would be in the middle for the 5 hour flight was soon in place. I ended up losing rock paper scissors so I took one for the team and sat in the middle. Paige was next to the window and Carol on the aisle. I didn't really mind though, I would only need the aisle seat if my leg started cramping. I remember the flight from Minnesota to Illinois was so bad because my legs were cramping. The life of an athlete. The flight was from 6-11 PM so the sun was already set.

I fell asleep at some point hoping to waste a couple hours. I slowly start to awake when I realize I slept on Carol's shoulder. She was fast asleep so I tried to not wake her up.











The rest of the ride was smooth and we got to the hotel quickly. Everyone had already eaten something so we just wanted to sleep at that point. When Carol, Paige, and I got to the room we realized there were only 2 beds so 2 of us were going to have to share one.

"SLEEPOVER?" Carol yells and turns to me.

"SLEEPOVER" I say just as excitedly back. Whenever me and her were around each other we acted like children. I started jumping on the bed and of course Carol joined me.

"Okay get down before you two hurt yourselves" Paige's mother instincts kicked in. I was already slumped so I got ready for bed and fell right asleep into Carol's side.

Paige POV

I hate seeing Y/n cuddled with Caroline. Like that should be me, I think to myself. Me and Y/n are so awkward right now. We either like each other or we don't and I want it to be one or the other. Not both. I end up falling asleep, thinking about the game we have tomorrow against a ranked Louisville.

it's almost like you never left (Paige Bueckers)Where stories live. Discover now