Chapter 32: Flour War Between Father and Son

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Boom... boom... boom... Peter had one side of his face resting on Tony's chest and listened to the sound of each beat of his heart, especially now that the house was very quiet, the brown-haired boy swallowed and turned his face away, Tony immediately understood that he wanted to break away from the hug so he stopped wrapping his arms around the teenager's back and then took two steps back to give him personal space, Peter thanked him in his mind, cleared his throat and cowardly looked in the direction of the kitchen door as he did not dare to look Mr. Stark in the eyes.

"Hum..." The brown-haired boy muttered doubtfully, not knowing how to start a conversation, he was a little shy, he quickly looked for an excuse to be able to leave for a while, think about what to talk about and then come back, luckily he came up with one, he looked at Tony and smiled a little apologetically. "I left my cell phone charging on the nightstand in my room, the battery must be at 100% by now, we shouldn't waste the energy, I don't want my parents to realize that I got it back and give me more days of punishment so..." He shook his brown curls with one hand, then pointed with his thumb finger in the direction of the door that led to the living room and added somewhat hastily. "I'm going to look for it." With that, Peter clumsily got off the stool, as he stepped wrongly and was about to fall to the floor. By reflex, the teenager grabbed the wooden counter with one hand, straightened up, let go of the counter and felt his cheeks extremely red from embarrassment. "I'll be right back." He murmured in a low voice as he looked at the tiles on the floor, embarrassed.

To Peter's good luck, Tony didn't object, nor did he laugh at his clumsiness, he simply nodded his head and removed his expensive, latest model cell phone from the pocket of his suit jacket, which had just made a little noise, sign that a notification had arrived, Tony looked at the screen and realized that he had a message from Pepper.

"Okay, I'll take the opportunity to answer a message to Pepper." Said the millionaire, unlocking the cell phone screen with his thumb finger.

"Cool." Peter commented with a smile, he let out a sigh of relief and walked quickly towards the kitchen door that connected to the living room.

When he was in the living room, he went to the stairs, climbed the steps, reaching the corridor upstairs, Peter walked to his room, grabbed the handle of the door, opened it, leaving it open behind him and went to the light table, a piece of furniture where it was actually charging his cell phone, Peter wasn't lying when he said that to Mr. Stark.

Moments ago, when he had been talking to Harley, Peter went up to his room and left his cell phone charging, taking advantage of the fact that his parents were in the kitchen, preparing tea and therefore would not enter his room. Logically Peter planned to disconnect the cell phone before they finished their snack but in the end his parents had gone to the supermarket and there was no need, until now that Peter had needed an excuse to escape even for a while from Mr. Stark and think about what they could talk about, this way the afternoon/night wasn't uncomfortable to him.

Although the cell phone's battery was not at 100%, as Peter had told Tony, the chestnut-haired boy decided to disconnect it anyway because he couldn't return to the kitchen without the cell phone if he had supposedly gone up to look for it so he bent down, took the charger out of the wall outlet and then the cable from the cell phone input, he straightened up, left the charger on top of the nightstand, put his cell phone in the back pocket of his jeans, then put his hands in the front pockets and looked the window in front that gave a nice view of the neighborhood.

Peter was calm, watching with a closed-lipped smile the birds that were perching on the branches of the trees until suddenly a black substance flew through the air and stuck fiercely to the glass of the closed window, trying to penetrate it to get to Peter although the teenager did not realize this, he did not see that semi-amorphous and sticky black liquid because he immediately closed his eyes when he perceived a sharp sound penetrating his ears, said sound had been so unexpected and unpredictable that it had left him a little dazed and at the same time confused.

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