1 | ❝Cherry Blossoms and Amber Wood❞ - Dawon

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"Come back, you smell good!" Your husband whined, already wrapped up in the sheets

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"Come back, you smell good!" Your husband whined, already wrapped up in the sheets. You laughed, shaking your head at his clinginess. He really was like a child at times.

"I'm just going to brush my teeth, babe. It'll only take two minutes." You called back to him, already in the bathroom. He pouted at your response and fell back onto the pillows. 2 minutes felt like a long time, especially when he had just gotten back from a long business trip. It was late now, and all Sanghyuk wanted to do was cuddle under the covers with you as soon as possible.

There were many little things that had made him fall in love with you. It wasn't entirely your looks (though, you were the most gorgeous woman to ever exist to him), or your personality, but the little things that made you, you. The habits and tendencies and constants— those were what Sanghyuk adored about you. The never changing mannerisms that he had grown all too fond of over the years.

It was how you liked to organise things on the shelf by size, not colour; or how you put your hair up and dressed in sweats when it was cleaning day (he would always think you looked the most attractive on cleaning days). It was the fruit smoothies that you would make for him without a recipe, yet they always ended up tasting better than what you could get in the store, and the way you were so attentive to him at all times, not just caring for his health, but remembering all the things he had said in the past. He commented on your necklace once, saying it was pretty? You'd be wearing it for the next date. He offhandedly said he wanted to try pottery? You had already scheduled a class to go to together.

And, especially, it was the way you smiled at him when you were tired. Your eyes looked so sleepy, but so content. Whenever you were wrapped up in his arms, he felt like he could die perfectly happy just like that. As long as you were right beside him, cuddling into his chest, mumbling about your day in a soft voice amongst smiles, he was the happiest man on Earth.

There was one more thing— possibly Sanghyuk's favourite thing. Your hair. Not just how pretty it was, but how good it smelled. He always thought that the hair products you used must have some magical scents infused into them, because once you were out of the shower, Sanghyuk could never bring himself to separate from you.

Your hair was so soft and smelled so sweet and clean and feminine— a scent that he could soak up every second of the day and never get tired of it. It was intoxicating, almost dizzying, and it made Sanghyuk feel euphoric that he could call you his. Like the prettiest cherry blossoms on a Spring day, or the sweetest fruit in the Summer sun, you were perfect in every sense.

You came back from the bathroom, teeth brushed and pyjamas on— ready to tuck yourself under the covers with him until the morning came. Sanghyuk opened his arms immediately, eager for you to be back where you belonged. You hugged yourself to his chest, relaxing at the feeling of his arms squeezing you with the perfect pressure, placing gentle kisses to your head.

"I'm serious, you smell so good." He said again, this time in a whisper, nose happily buried between strands of your hair.

"You do, too." You commented. While you smelled like flowers, Sanghyuk's cologne lingered on his clothes from the morning, hitting your nose with hints of leather and amberwood.

"Never gonna get tired of you." He mumbled, pulling you closer to his body. His hand snuck down to reach yours and he slowly laced his fingers with yours.

"I hope not, cause you already gave me a ring." You smiled, and Sanghyuk laughed— the sound resonated in the room, making your heart do somersaults in your chest.

"It was the best thing I ever did." He admitted, fingers fiddling with your engagement ring. It had already been 2 years since he had given it to you, yet he still thought about the moment daily.

You turned around in his arms, smiling as his eyes met yours. You raked up one of your hands to his cheek and he leaned into your touch, his eyes fluttering closed. You both let out simultaneous sighs— of tiredness and contentment and love.

"I love you so much." You smiled at him, murmuring out the words as you adored his sleepy face squished against the pillow.

"I do too, lovely." He responded drowsily, but no less sincere in his words than if he had been more awake.

"How much?" You asked, half joking and half curious to actually know how he'd respond. He let out a breath and then opened his eyes, wanting to be able to look at you as he responded. His eyes gazed over your face as he searched for the right words.

"...I love you more than I ever knew was possible for someone to love someone else. It feels like my heart is going to explode whenever I look at you because I still can't believe that you're mine." He started explaining seriously, but he broke halfway through, his lips curving up into a smile as he admired you. "You're the best thing that ever happened to me."

You giggled, "You're so cute."

He pouted, "I was being serious."

"I know." You smiled, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek. "Just wanted to tease."

"You missed a spot." He whispered, pointing to his other cheek. You smiled and leaned in to press another kiss to his skin, feeling his cheek lift up under your lips as he smiled.

"There. All good?"

He shook his head, "Missed one more spot."

You laughed and leaned in once again, this time joining your lips with his. He sighed as he kissed you, pulling you closer into his arms and cupping the back of your head with his hand. You kissed him until you exhausted yourself and fell back onto the pillow, breathing unevenly to try to catch your breath. Kissing him was still as exhilarating 4 years later as when you shared your first ever kiss with him.

Sanghyuk pulled you back into his arms, breathing as roughly as you. You rested your head on his chest, hearing his racing heart in sync with yours. You got comfortable under the covers. He stroked your hair, lulling you into a sleepier state, as he mumbled sweet nothings to you. You didn't have much energy to respond verbally, already too drowsy to think of anything more than your husband and sleep. But you tapped his chest 3 times before you finally fell asleep, sending a silent message to him that he wouldn't be able to mistake.

I love you.

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