Chapter One

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Hi everyone!

Merry Early Christmas (or in some of your time zones... Merry Christmas Eve!!)

I know it's been a long time since I posted, but that's because I've been working hard on getting this "little" (well, I WAS calling it little up until I realized it hit 20K words) Christmas story finished before Christmas, and although I succeeded, it really took a path of it's own... as usual. Originally, I thought I'd just have a really long one-shot to post here, but as it turns out the story became way too long to keep as one part so I'll be splitting it up into four. However, whoever has been with me for a while knows that I don't like posting all parts at once so what I'm gonna do is post every two or three days until I have the whole story up. If I do it this way, by the time all four parts are posted we'll still be immersed in the holiday season (aka: before the new year) and I want you guys to be able to read this while it's still this time of year!

If that sounds good to you, then I welcome you to the first installment of "A Poisonous Christmas" which was actually inspired by something funny that happened last year on Christmas Eve (we love a good random spark of inspiration to fuel crazy ideas!). There is lots of chaos and laughs in this one, so I hope you guys enjoy it... well, this first part at least.

Have a VERY Merry Christmas and I'll see you back here in a few days for part two!

-Livdonna <3

Side Note: CC's birth name is Bruce and that is how his parents and brother address him in this!


December 2003

Henson Recording Studios

Hollywood, California

CC's P.O.V:

Ahhh...It's the most wonderful time of the year.

Hell yeah, that's exactly what runs through my head every time December comes around. No, I ain't a five year old kid livin' with my parents in Bay Ridge anymore, but there are just some things that never stop bein' magical.

The holiday season is one of 'em.

It's just that time of year that makes everyone happy. Well, I guess I can't speak for every person on Planet Earth, but it sure as Hell makes me happy!

Happy enough to start belting my favorite Christmas tunes in the middle of a Poison meeting between the guys and I.

Every year, we hold an annual meeting to work out any kinks we got, and trust me when I say that we got a lot. That's another thing that hasn't completely changed from the band's heyday. The chaos. The banter. The sibling rivalry kind of conflict.

It's just what makes us... us.

But that ain't what this meeting is really about. Sure, if there are issues that need to be resolved, we try and fix 'em here but for once it seems like there aren't any. And boy, ain't that a great fuckin' feeling!

It just makes me feel more chipper.

"It's the most wonderful time of the yeeeeeeear!" I bellow, hearing my voice echo throughout the conference room earning nothing but amused expressions from the rest of my bandmates, our manager, and our roadie.

"Yeah, yeah," Bret rolls his eyes, and proceeds to playfully ruffle my crazy mane of white blonde hair, "We get it. You're excited for Christmas—"

My eyes immediately widen at the obvious remark and I don't hesitate to halt my singing for just a split second; only to defend my case in this highly important matter.

A Poisonous Christmas EveWhere stories live. Discover now