Part 3: The Newbies

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Coach Bombays duck will be joined by some of the top young players from around the United

"Tell me about my new kids" our new Coach asked

"That's Luis Mendoza, he's from our Miami club" Don states. "a real speedster, incredible slated. Caught his at 1.9 blue line to blue line." I observed Luis as he skated around the blue line. "Good looking skater" a duck said "very good lookin what do you think Guy?" Another duck asks "shut up Averman" another said elbowing him in the ribs. "There's one minor problem" Don said I looked over and Luis had flew into the wall. I might of laughed at him, but of course I helped him up alone with the others. "I almost had it that time" Luis said to me. "sure" I said awkwardly "YEE HAW HOWS EVERYONE YALL READY TO PLAY SOME PUCK" a boy with a Texan accent said as he skated out, throwing his cowboy hat and putting his helmet on. "That's Dwayne Robertson fromAustin he's the best puck handler I've ever seen" "you mean for his age?" Our coach asks "no I don't" Don said

"There's Julie "The Cat" Gaffney, she won the state championship for Maine 3 years in a row" Don said as a few ducks tried to shoot on Julie but each failed miserably. "We have a goalie Goldberg" Our coach said as another boy sat at the other goal saying "cmon I'm the man I'm the man". I rolled my eyes sarcastically at the poor boy. "well we could use a backup" A backup? That's so dumb! Julie is way better than that other dude. isn't that the kid from the Olympics figure skating?" "Yep Ken Woo, what can I say. I convinced him hockey had more of a future. We put a stick in his hand and nobody can stop him"

Then there was me, i was nervous if I'm being honest. I shut my helmet down and started showing off my skating skills, I might've been flexing on them but whoopsies. Just then in that moment another boy skates out wearing headphones. I guess that means my time is over, I accepted it and skated over to Julie. My new friend "Hey Jules" I said "hey" she said. We both observed a new comer onto the ice. "DON'T YOU KNOW THAT EVERY-THINGS ON FIRE" he sang before putting his arm around the poor Texan dude and quiet literally shouted "CMON SING IT TEX" which the poor Texan boy shook his head quickly. Then he knocked over some of the ducks, before coming over to me and Julie. "Here sweetie" he said as he threw his hockey stick at me which my fast instincts I put my hand up and caught it. Then he skated away and put the Olympics kid on top of the goal.

We all met in the middle and started yelling at each other. I stepped in when the goalie from the Ducks started yelling at Julie. "Hey, back off" I said pushing him away. I went to maybe slap him but i was pulled back into someone's chest. "No." Dean said. I looked up at him. "Ofc please" I said Coach Bombay blew his whistle. "Everybody freeze!" He shouted out and everyone turned to him. "Now, we didn't come here to fight. We came here to play hockey. We're team USA. You represent your country." "That's right." Mr Tibbles interrupted. "Now, I want you-" "To be all that you can be, right? You gotta raise yourself up, guys. You got-" Mr Tibble interjected but was cut off by Bombay giving him a look. Everyone all laughed. "Alright, now, let's start with a scrimmage." "Great. Scrimmage." Mr Tibble said and blew his whistle. "You heard your coach. Now- Hey, you don't need me here. I've got an appointment anyway. I've got to see Ms McKay. She's the team tutor." Mr Tibbles explained. "Don? Come on." Coach Bombay said, holding out his hand for the whistle. "You'll get it back at the end of the school term." The team chuckled. "Alright, Ducks. Show em what you got. Let's scrimmage!" Coach Bombay blew his whistle.

All the newcomers all stayed on the same team while the original Ducks stayed on the other.
Dwayne took face off, with Luis and Kenny on the wing while me and Dean took their spots as defense. Dwayne immediately got the puck from the duck and tripped him down. Luis took it and started skating down the ice but went right into the net. Banks from the Ducks had grabbed the puck and i chased after him. "Let's go, defense!" Julie yelled out and I had checked him, throwing him over my back. Jesse shot the puck at the net but Julie caught it in her glove. She threw it on the ground and it was immediately taken again.
Banks shot at the net again but Julie caught it again. Dean checked Fulton, the Ducks defenseman against the boards. He then checked Guy and Averman. Fulton grabbed the puck and lined up to shoot in the net. "Look out!" Coach Bombay yelled out. Everybody moved out of the way with a duck dragging me away. "Don't touch me." I said, shaking his hand off me. "What a bunch of wussies." Dean said, but his eyes widened when Fulton took his shot. It hit off the post of the net, hit a beam on the ceiling, and then hit Mr Tibbles.

"Hello? Mr Tibbles? Mr Tibbles? Mr Tibbles, can you hear me? Mr Tibbles, wake up." The blonde woman who was with him said as he laid on the ground with an ice pack on his forehead.He woke up and moved the smelling salts out of his face. "Oh, Mr Tibbles, are you alright?" "Oh, uh, I'll have the cheeseburger, fries, and a chocolate shake, please." He said and everyone laughed. "I think he'll be okay. We'll keep an eye on him. Oh, I'm sorry.He didn't have a chance to introduce us. I'm Michelle McKay, their tutor."
"Hi, I'm coach Bombay, their coach." He said, shaking her hand. "Who said we need a tutor?" Banks asked. "I don't need no school." Dean said from behind me. I turned to him and smirked. "No offense but I think you do." I said. "Now, Ms McKay, we're America's team here. Shouldn't we just be concentrating on hockey? May I suggest optional attendance?" Goldberg suggested.
Everyone agreed. "Well, that's not a bad idea."
"Call me Goldberg." "Goldberg. Yes. School will be optional." Everyone cheered.

"However, however, should you not attend, you will not be eligible to play." Coach Bombay dismissed everyone. I was walking with Dean when Averman, a duck came up to us. "Hey, is that a tattoo? Is it real?" He asked Dean. "Get away from me." Dean said. "Yes, sir." Averman still didn't leave so Dean barked at him. "spooky." I said with sarcasm as Averman ran away.
Dean turned to me and winked.

Coach Bombay had tied the whole team together with a rope. "Somebody better watch their hands." Julie said from in front of me. "Who ever is touching my ass, you better move" i said, but Dean just looked down at me with a smirk and a wink. "Yeah, someone licked me!" Averman shouted. "Oh, I smell something." He said as a terrible smell arose. "Goldberg!" Everyone yelled. "It wasn't me." Goldberg said."No, it was me!" Dean said, raising his hands in the air.

Coach Bombay blew his whistle. "I don't know how to make this any clearer. You are a team.
And to win this thing, you have to work as one.
Now as one, skate." We all attempted to move but fell down. Dean landed on top of me.
"Well, I quite enjoy this view." He said. His gaze flickered down to my lips before going back to my eyes. He stood up and helped me get up.
"Everyone goes their own way, everyone falls down. Now get up and try it again."
"Alright, all of you move to your right, now." Dean said. "Who made you boss? Everyone to the left." Fulton said. Not to my surprise we all fell down again. "You guys can argue all you want. But I am not untying you until you move as one." Everyone stood up again. We all started moving slowly, together. "Now you're learning! Communication! That's it! Good, together. Move together. Charge! Alright! Right turn! Yeah, that's it! That's it! Alright! Knock wood, Charlie."

I TOLD YOU ID BE EATING IN THE NEXT PART. But like who should I make like the boyfriend? I wanna do Fulton or Dean but at the same time I wanna do Averman. HELP ME.

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