Chapter 3:

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It was bright and early, lovely out. Sunshine and bright, Kelly had already left to help the others set up for the charity event they were hosting. Stella had gotten into the shower, wanting to do everything she needed to do before Marley woke up.
Marley was in the middle of having another nightmare, she was tossing and turning, letting out small weeping sounds. She held onto her teddy bear for dear life, "go and get me a beer", "but I'm playing", "I said get me a beer, I'm all empty so get me another", the girl got up and opened the fridge, pulling out a bottle of beer, she took over to him and handed it to him. "Why don't you take a sip, it's pretty good", "that is nasty. I'm not drinking that", "I said drink it you little shit", he held her mouth open wide, wide enough for him to pour it down her throat. She chocked upon the disgusting taste of the beer she had felt on her little tongue. She knocked the beer bottle out of his hand, it dropped on the floor and broke into pieces. The frown on his face grew angrier than ever, he unlatched his belt and began hitting her back, he purposely held her so she wasn't able to move. She was crying uncontrollably and hysterically from the pain the beating had caused her. Her little eyes was filled with dried tears, her whole body cold, she screamed loudly, Stella immediately turned the shower off calling out to her daughter. Marley "mommy", Stella threw the towel over herself and went into the room picking her daughter up, her baby's eyes balling out, and filled with tears. Stella rocked her in her arms back and forth until her cries, turned into squeals, and then sniffles, until she completely stopped crying. Stella sat on the bed, cradling Marley in her arms. Summer had developed some sort of habit of fidgeting with Stella's breasts, but she didn't find it weird at all. It was getting to the point where Marley had to be latched onto Stella's nipple into order to sooth herself calm. After finally deciding on what to wear, Stella got herself dressed before dressing her child that was completely passed out in the bed. Stella put her hair into two braids, and then did the same to Marley while she was sleeping, and it was the hardest task by far. Stella's phone started ringing, Kelly "hey baby", Stella "hey baby", Kelly "how's it going? When will you be coming", Stella "shortly. Marley had another nightmare", Kelly "woke up crying again", Stella "crying, screaming, you name it", Kelly "the bounce house is pretty cool, Marley's gonna love it", Stella "I'll be there soon", Kelly "okay, can't wait to see you here", Stella "okay we'll be here soon", Stella got some packs of juices, and other snacks for the event in the car, Stella "princess are ready to go", Marley "yeah", they got into the car, and drove to the station. Stella "are you ready to see daddy", Marley "yeah", Stella had luckily found a parking spot right across the street from the station, she parked the car and Kelly who noticed the car started heading to the car. He kissed Stella, the smile on Marley's face grew the minute she saw her dad, Kelly "hi princess", Marley "hi daddy", Sylvie took Marley so she could play with the other kids while Stella and Kelly brought everything to the cooler and the table of food. Marley was playing with Javi, Chloe and Joe's son. 2 hours into the event, the station had already raised nearly two hundred thousand dollars. Marley "mommy I'm hungry", Stella "what do you wanna eat baby girl", Marley "I want a hot dog but can you cut it for me please", Stella "sure baby, do you want one or two", Marley "two please mommy", Stella "what do you want to drink baby", Marley "juice mommy", Stella "which juice", Marley "tropical punch mommy", Stella "okay", Marley went and sat down by Javi, the two of them chatted up a storm, and continued their conversation as they ate. Stella and Kelly took a moment alone for themselves. Kelly "I love you", Stella "I love you too", it was almost the end of the event, things were going smooth, until Marley let out a gut wrenching scream, after falling from the top of the bounce house to the ground, Javi ran pass everyone to Stella and Kelly, Sylvie was near Marley checking on her. Javi "aunt Stella, uncle Kelly. Marley is hurt, really really hurt. She fell from the bouncy house", Stella and Kelly wasted no time rushing to their daughter's aid. Stella "don't talk baby. Sylvie how bad is it, Sylvie how bad"? Sylvie didn't wanna show Stella the condition of her daughter's arm since it was very disturbing to see. Sylvie pulled the blanket a bit revealing Marley bent arm. Stella "can you take us to the hospital", Sylvie "yeah, let me get the stretcher, Violet I need you", Violet pulled out the stretcher and lifted Marley and placed her on the stretcher, putting her in the ambulance. Sylvie drove straight to Med, while Kelly and Stella sat with their daughter, reaching Med, Maggie and Marcel came out of the entrance, Maggie "what happened", Sylvie "she fell from the bouncy house", Maggie "oh no", Sylvie "it's bad. She's gonna need a cast, it's really bad", Marley was rushed to the X-ray room, where Marcel took some pictures of her arm. Marley was in a lot of pain, Stella held her hand trying to calm her down just as Marcel came in to speak about the results from her X-rays. Stella "how bad is it", Marcel "so basically her arm is bent right here, which is where her arm is indeed broken. So we're gonna put a cast on her arm, and in two days we would like for you to bring her back, to see if she'll remain with a cast, in which she'll be given a new one, or if she's gonna need an emergency surgery to repair the damage", Stella "is she gonna get put to sleep", Marcel "yes", Kelly rubbed his finger against his daughter's head just as Marcel injected Marley with anesthesia and some pain medications, Marley dozed off to sleep immediately after being injected. Kelly "I'm gonna get something from the vending machine, do you wanna anything", Stella "a ginger ale", Kelly "okay cool", he leaves to go to the vending machine while Marcel starts casting Marley arm with the help of Maggie. Marcel "specific color for her cast", Stella "bright pink, it's her favorite color", about an half hour after the cast was put on Marley's arm. Stella "can me and Kelly take her home", Marcel "yeah, we are just gonna get her discharged papers and your free to take her home", after Stella got the discharge papers and held Marley in her arms, and met up with Kelly, the three of them finally got home. Stella carried her up to the room and laid her down in the bed, Kelly and Stella had dinner. Stella fell asleep lying in Kelly's lap. And unfortunately Marley is yet in the middle of yet another nightmare. The poor girl clenched onto her teddy bear, the loudness of glass breaking throughout the house made her cries unnoticeable. "Shut the heck up you brat", the glass breaking continued, eventually a piece had stabbed the poor child in the arm, and she screamed for dear life. That only made her father even more angry and upset, he dragged her up to her room and locked her inside. Her cries didn't bother him not one bit at all, she cried her heart out, all she wanted was for her dad love her. She had tossed and turned so much the bed was an entire mess, she held her teddy bear close to her chest making sure she still had it, she screamed she startled her father. He left Stella on the couch and rushed to upstairs to her, picking her up and calming her down, Kelly "daddy's here", he eventually calmed her down, Stella "what happened", she said, Kelly "nightmare", he said back to his wife after he passed their sleeping daughter to her. The three of them went back upstairs and to bed. Stella woke up in the middle of the night due to the sound of Marley coughing tremendously, Stella "baby are you okay", Marley kept coughing, Stella "mommy will take you downstairs to get some medicine", Stella picked her up and the two of them went to the kitchen, Stella sat her on the counter, and went through the cabinets. She found the medicine, and measured it with a syringe, Stella "open baby", surprisingly she didn't pick a fight and just took the medicine, Stella poured her some juice, and the two of them headed back up to the room, to bed. Kelly kissed his wife on the cheek climbing out of bed, Kelly "morning", he said after letting out the biggest smile, Stella "morning", Kelly "we are off for the next three days", Stella "I know, I don't have to get out of this bed until I feel like it", Kelly "is she okay", he asked after seeing Marley with no shirt on, Stella "fever", Kelly "since when", Stella "last night", Kelly "aww poor baby, should I make some of my famous chicken noodle soup", Stella "oh my gosh, yes please. I'm not sick but I love your chicken soup", Kelly "alright will do so", he left the room to go and cook. Stella stood in bed, and started watching a movie. Marley started to toss and turn beside Stella, Stella moved a bit closer to her daughter so she could know that she was still there. Marley stood asleep for about another half hour, until she finally woke up, Stella "good morning baby", Marley rubbed her eyes, and laid back down, Stella "good morning sweet girl", she said tickling her, Marley let out the sweetest laughs and giggles, Stella "do you wanna watch something", Marley "descendants", Stella had forgotten that Marley had a cast on. Marley pointed to her arm, Stella "yeah I know baby. Do you remember how you hurt your arm", Eva "the bouncy house", she said yawning, Kelly "good morning princess",Marley "hi daddy", Kelly "soup is ready. Are ya ready to eat", Stella "yeah, what about you baby", Marley "yeah", the three of them went downstairs to the dining table, had their lunch while watching a movie. Kelly "so I was thinking, since it's nearly mid December we go out and get Christmas tree, maybe go ice skating. I know she's sick but she deserves the biggest Christmas yet", Stella "that sounds like the perfect idea", after eating their soup, they all got dressed and ready to go out. After getting into the jeep, driving to the nearest Starbucks, they got their favorite drinks and then headed to the ice skating rink. Marley "woah mommy look how big the rink is", Stella "I see. Where are you parking babe", Kelly "in the parking lot", Stella "okay", Kelly pulled into the parking lot closest to the rink, and parallel parked. They got out of the car, Marley held onto Stella's hand and they headed to the booth to pay, luckily they had their own ice skates. Stella helped Marley put her skates on, and then Kelly and Stella put their skates on. Once on the ice, there was a few falls and laughs, eventually they all got the hang of it, skating in the ice skating rink for about an hour and a half. Stella "you look tired honey. Why don't you take a nap in the car", after getting back to the car, they drove to get their tree but first stopped at the grocery store for some grocery items they needed. After leaving they headed to get the tree, Stella "go pick out the tree you want", Marley "I could pick the tree out", she said, Kelly "yes baby, whatever tree you pick is the one we will take home to decorate for Christmas", Marley "okay", Stella "stay close honey", Marie "okay mommy", they walked around the tree area, Marley eyed every one trying to find the perfect tree. And once they reached the middle Marley found the most beautiful tree she'd ever seen, Marley "this one. This one is the one I want", she jumped up and down. The tree got wrapped with the net and two employees helped tie it to the car with a rope. They got in the car and headed to the nearest Target to get Christmas ornaments, and decorations for the house.

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@ kellyseveride@ stellaseveride Cutest tree and stockings ever, Marley picked out all of these decorations

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@ kellyseveride
@ stellaseveride
Cutest tree and stockings ever, Marley picked out all of these decorations. They are so cute, in love with how our house looks all decked out for the holidays.

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