Chapter 4:

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Kelly "rough night", Stella "yeah, she's been throwing up all night and morning. She's been in and out of sleep. She's been so attached to me, I leave for just a few minutes and she starts crying", Kelly "does she still have fever", Stella "yeah, it's a bit high right now, but I hope that it goes down", Kelly "need me to do anything", Stella "no not right now", Kelly "okay", Stella "maybe the laundry and tidy up the house", Kelly "okay", Stella stood in bed with Marley, Marley kept waking up and falling asleep, it was off and on because she was constantly throwing up. Stella "you okay honey", Marley was so out of it, the pain was unbearable for a child her age. Stella "hey, mommy will be back", Marley dozed off to sleep while Stella went to get her some medicine because it was that time to take it again. Stella gave Marley her medicine, Marley was finally up being occupied by the tv while Stella cleaned the room. Marley "Mommy I'm hungry", Stella "you are, that's good. Daddy's downstairs why don't you go tell him what you want", Marley "okay", Marley went off downstairs to her dad, Marley "daddy can you make me something to eat", Kelly "yeah baby, what do you wanna eat", Marley "can you make me waffles and bacon", Kelly "yeah do you want strawberry or regular", Marley "strawberry daddy", Kelly "go ask your mom which one she wants", Marley "okay", Marley went upstairs to ask her, Marley "mommy what waffles do you want", Stella "strawberry", Marley "okay, daddy she wants strawberry", Kelly "okay". Kelly made breakfast, "breakfast is done", Marley "we're coming daddy", her and Stella left the room, and went to the kitchen to have breakfast. Kelly "how is she feeling", Stella "tell daddy how are you feeling", Marley "my head is hurting, and my stomach still hurts", Kelly "did momma give you anything", Marley "yeah she did but nothing is helping", Kelly "maybe in a bit it'll sink in", they were in the middle of having breakfast, when all of a sudden Eva screamed in agony, Stella "hey. Look at mommy. What's wrong", Marley held her stomach really tight, crying in pain, Kelly "we gotta get to the hospital. Something's wrong", Stella picked up Marley, and the three of them rushed out to the car, Kelly drove straight to the emergency room. Maggie "hey. What brings you in", Stella "something's wrong with her, her stomach has excruciating pain, and it's just too hard to even explain", Maggie "we'll let's get you to a room then", Marley laid on the examination table, Maggie injected two IV's in her, and immediately checked her stats. Maggie grabbed the machine to give Marley an ultrasound to see if there was any clogs or anything wrong in her abdomen area. Stella "do you see anything, anything wrong", Maggie "hold on I'm still checking", Maggie kept checking, found it, "there's some sort of cyst in her stomach and from the looks of it, it looks like it's gonna burst. We are gonna have to rush her into surgery", Stella "what, you can't do that", Maggie "do you want your daughter to survive and be okay", Stella "of course I do", Maggie "then this surgery needs to happen, right now to be exact", Stella "fine", without even able to say goodbye for the meantime, Maggie took Marley to the operating room for an emergency surgery. Kelly "hey, I finally found a parking. Where's Marley", Stella "Maggie took her up to the operating room for an emergency surgery", Kelly "what. That doesn't make any sense. For what", Stella "she has a cyst in her stomach, that's the reasoning for all of the pain", Kelly sat besides his wife, trying to keep her calm and okay.

 For what", Stella "she has a cyst in her stomach, that's the reasoning for all of the pain", Kelly sat besides his wife, trying to keep her calm and okay

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