Chapter 5:

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Stella was awoken out of her sleep after her phone kept ringing, off and on. Stella "hello. Hold on, Kylie I can't understand you right now. Kylie just breathe. Sweetheart breathe. Okay tell me what's going on", Kylie "you and Kelly were right. He's crazy, he's evil", Stella "Kylie who are you talking about", Kylie "Stella he raped me. I don't know where I'm at, my clothes are pretty much gone. Stella I'm scared, so scared", Stella climbed out of the bed, Stella "don't hang up, I'm coming", Stella got dressed, Kelly "babe what's going on", Stella "Kylie just called me, she's in danger, I've gotta go find her", Kylie "Stella", Stella "I'm coming baby, stay put", Stella rushed out of the house, getting in the jeep, Stella "Kylie turn on your location for me baby, Kylie come on, I need you to be strong for me. I'm coming to get you", Stella turned the key and drove straight to Kylie's location. Stella drove for a few minutes, driving down street by street, looking for her, finally saw her at the end of the alley. Stella pressed the break immediately, getting out of the car and rushed over to Kylie, Stella "Kylie, Kylie. Come on baby, wake up for me, Kylie, wake up. Can you stand up baby girl, come on stand up", Stella helped Kylie walk to the car, Stella drove her straight to the hospital. Maggie "what happened", Stella "she was raped, just take care of her", Stella stood in the waiting room, Marley "mommy", Avery "mommy", Stella "what the hell are you doing here", Kelly "I had to come to make sure that you were okay", Stella "I'm fine but Kylie's not, she was raped", Kelly "are you serious", Stella "yeah". A few minute later.

Maggie "Stella she's asking for you

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Maggie "Stella she's asking for you. We already performed a rape kit and medical procedures", Stella "thank you. I'm going to see her, take them to get something from the vending machine", Kelly "okay, come on girls. Mommy needs to take care of something", Kelly took their daughters to get some snacks and something to drink. Stella "hey baby", Kylie started to cry, Stella "don't cry", Kylie "I should have listened to you", Stella "Kylie this is not your fault. None of this is your fault so don't even say that", Kylie "I don't think I can do this firefighter thing anymore, I'm scared", Stella "don't say that. You've been wanting to be a firefighter for your life. Don't give up on your dreams honey. You're like a daughter and a sister to me, I will always be here to protect you. You can stay with me and Kelly if that's something you want to make you more comfortable but don't sit here and give up on your dream when you've been fighting you're entire life for it", Kylie hugged Stella. Maggie "she could be discharged", Stella "okay thanks", after finally leaving the hospital they headed home. Stella stood on the couch with Kylie, Kylie had a hard time sleeping, she kept having off and on nightmares about what happened to her, Stella "I've got you Kylie". Kylie "why did this happen to me", Stella "I don't know baby, but I'm right here. I'm gonna be here the entire time, I'm not going anywhere", Kylie "I'm so scared", Stella "it's okay baby, it's okay. I've got you", Stella stood with her overnight on the couch, falling asleep in an uncomfortable position but she didn't care since all that mattered to her was making sure Kylie was safe and okay. Kelly "morning", Stella "morning", Kelly "did the two of you sleep okay", Stella "I guess, she's having so many nightmares", Kelly "I'm gonna go into work, I told Boden that you were gonna be taking a few days off to be with the girls since they need you", Stella "you didn't have to do that", Kelly "I know. I wanted to", Stella "thank you", Kelly "you're welcome. I love you and I'll see you later", he kissed Stella, and then kissed Kylie on the forehead. Stella carefully got up from the couch and went to the kitchen to make her coffee, and cook breakfast for her and the girls. Avery "Kylie", Kylie "yes princess", Avery "are you OK", Kylie "kind of, I don't wanna talk about it", Avery "that's okay, do you wanna watch a movie with me and Marley", Kylie "sure, what movie", Avery "do you like descendants", Kylie "the one with the Disney villain kids and the royalty kids", Avery "yeah", Kylie "I love that movie, have you seen the new one", Avery "not yet, that's the one that we are watching. Do you wanna watch it", Kylie "yeah", Kylie, Avery and Marley went to the living room and they watched the movie as Stella cooked breakfast. Stella "girls breakfast is done", the girls had breakfast, Stella had breakfast and had her coffee, Stella "girls, I am gonna go up to my room real quick and have a video call, Kylie are you okay watching over your sisters", Kylie "yeah, we're good", Stella "okay. I will be back in an hour", Kylie "okay".

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