Chapter 6:

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Kelly had to get the girls out of school early, Kylie tagging along, she was still traumatized from what happened to her so she was now living with Kelly and Stella, and was there bonus baby. Stella had gotten injured and was at the hospital, so he picked the kids up early from school and took them with him to the hospital to see her. Kylie "why are we here", Kelly "because your mom got hurt", Kylie "she got hurt, how", Kelly "I don't exactly know what happened, but once we see Maggie or one of them we can ask them what happened. Why don't you help the girls with their homework and I am gonna go check in with Maggie and see what's the update on her condition", Kylie "okay", Kelly went to Maggie and Kylie stood with the girls helping them do their homework. Maggie "hey", Kelly "hey, so what's the update on my wife? What even happened", Maggie "she was very dehydrated, and it caused her to pass out, she was rushed here by Joe and Chris, she's been here ever since. She's overworking herself and it's not okay, it's gonna end up putting her back in a hospital bed if she keeps it up", Kelly "I think because of what happened to Kylie she's in a state of mind where she's the one blaming herself for what happened and I remind her all the time that it wasn't her fault and that it was an accident. But she seems to still think otherwise", Maggie "keep encouraging her and telling her that she's not the one to blame, the one to blame is the one that hurt Kylie", Kelly "other than that is she gonna be alright", Maggie "yeah, she's gonna be okay and she'll be out of here by the end of the day", Kelly "okay, thank you", Maggie "she's in that room over there", Kelly "okay, thank you", after Maggie left to speak with other people, Kelly went back to the kids. Kelly "how's it going over here, everything okay", Kylie "yeah, they are almost finished with their homework", Kelly "do you girls wanna put the homework aside for later so we can go see mom", Kylie "we can see her", Kelly "yeah", Kelly grabbed the girls backpacks, and they followed him to Stella's hospital room.

Stella "I didn't want you to bring them", she said looking at the girls

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Stella "I didn't want you to bring them", she said looking at the girls. Kelly "so what am I supposed to do, just lie to them and tell them that your fine", Stella "no, you didn't have to lie but I just didn't want them to have to see me like this", Kelly "you think they care about being in a hospital, they care that you are okay. Your their mother", Stella "I know", Kelly "I'm gonna get them", Kylie "is she okay", Kelly "yeah, she's fine. Come on", the girls followed Kelly inside the room. Avery "mommy are you okay", Stella "I'm fine baby, I'm gonna be OK, I promise you", Kylie "you shouldn't blame yourself, I overheard dad and Maggie talking. You shouldn't blame yourself for what happened to me, the only person to blame is the person that hurt me", Stella "I know that baby girl but the dreams that I had, over and over again hearing you cry, telling me that you were scared out of your mind. I could have prevented it from even happening", Kylie "mom, it's really not your fault. I would be lying if I said at times that I didn't blame myself for it, but at the end of the day we can't blame ourselves for the actions that someone else did, we have to be better than that and forgive ourselves because if we continue to blame ourselves it'll just make us suffer and feel guilty and that's not what we are supposed to be feeling, we're not responsible for the bad things that happens to us, we are responsible for healing from them and using it as a learning experience, we take the bad experiences we've been through and change it into something good, something that'll make a difference not only for us but for others so that it won't happen again", Stella "when did you become so wise baby girl", Kylie "I get that from you, that's why I love you and look up to you so much, because of the person that you are, and you are such a powerful figure, and you make this community a better place by being a female firefighter, you're just the best mom", Stella "thank you, I love you girls so much, come here", the girls went over to Stella, hugging her.

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