Tarabiscoville Part 1

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April 24, 2024 - Tarabiscoville, Florida

It was currently 9 PM, and a team known as the PJ Masks where doing a nightly patrol, making sure the villains of the night weren't causing trouble, Catboy and Bastet were on Patrol Team 1, Owlette and Newton on Patrol Team 2, Gekko and Octobella on Patrol Team 3, and An Yu and Armadylan on Patrol Team 4.

Gekko: See anything Octy?

Octobella: Nope, and good thing- wait, did you just call me Octy?

Gekko: *blushes* Uh, yay, it's a nickname I made up for you

Octobella: *blushes* Oh, well how sweet

Suddenly, a noice from nearby caught their attention.

Gekko: What was that?

Octobella: I don't know, but it sounds like it came from nearby my moat

The two heroes soon went to investigate, before them was a green portal and emerging from it was a small 1987 Frieghtliner FLA Semi-Truck, however, it soon begun to transform into a robot.

The two heroes soon went to investigate, before them was a green portal and emerging from it was a small 1987 Frieghtliner FLA Semi-Truck, however, it soon begun to transform into a robot

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The robot appeared to be 6 feet tall, however, it had activated a sword on its left arm while forming some kind of blaster on the right before deactivating them.

???: Tails, I'm at the coordinates

Tails (over intercom): Good, stay sharp Optimus, we don't know for sure if the area you arrived in has friendlies, if you need assistance I'll send in additional support

Optimus Prime: Don't worry Tails, I'll be sure to stay sharp, Prime out

Gekko (whispering): Who's this "Tails?"

Octobella (whispering): I don't know Gekky, hopefully we find out what this "Optimus Prime" wants

Gekko blushed in response to this nickname, he didn't question why Octobella didn't give it to him, he just rolled with it as he had feelings for Octobella as she also had feelings for him, but both were to scared to admit there feelings for one another. From the nights sky, what appeared to be a meteorite was coming down from space, Optimus Prime stood in a battle stance as he blocked the meteorite from hitting the ground and damaging the surrounding area before he placed it down.

Optimus Prime: Tails, the meteorite is actually a Titanium Escape Pod

Tails (over intercom): To be far it was a guess

Optimus Prime: Correct, but I'll need a Ground Bridge to bring both the pod and the Seedrian to HQ

Tails (over intercom): Wait a Seedrian?!?

Optimus Prime: Indeed

Tails (over intercom): Well what does the Seedrian look like?

Optimus Prime: A green color and-

Tails (over intercom): That's Cosmo! I'm opening a ground being right now to allow you your bring her to base

Optimus Prime: U-understood

Soon, a ground bridge opened from Optimus Prime as he ran into it with the Titanium Escape Pod along with the unconscious Cosmo as Gekko and Octobella watched in disbelief while holding hands.

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