Rescue Force vs The Decepticons Part 1

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April 28, 2024 - Adventure Bay, Canada

Outside the Nemesis, Megatron was currently explaining the plan against the Autobots and their allies, however, from afar the entire Rescue Force team were watching them from afar.

Ironhide: Are you sure this'll work Prime?

Optimus Prime: I am sure Ironhide, today is the day where we break the shackles for our freedom

Sideswipe: Were did that catchphrase come from?

Optimus Prime: Let's just say a 'Bot that was trying to warn us before Megatron terminated

Jolt: Wait, did Megatron-

Optimus Prime: Sadly, but I will not allow any more innocent people to suffer the same fate as our fallen comrades and Cybertron

From below, Megatron had finished explaining his plan, it was to lure the Autobots away from there base as they slaughtered there fleshy allies as they used Ghidorah on the Autobots, though Starscream didn't fully agree with the plan.

Megatron: Starscream, this'll be the only way to finally defeat the Autobots and there allies once and for all

Starscream: Yes, but the Autobots might be once step ahead of us

Soundwave: Lord Megatron, Shockwave has reported suspicious activity from behind you

Megatron soon turned around and from the forest, Optimus Prime, Tails, the pups, Catboy, Owlette, Gekko, Bastet, Yumi, and the rest of the Autobots, this surprised the Decepticon leader as they all began to charge towards the Decepticons.

Megatron: Decepticons attack!!!

To be continued....

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