
27 2 13

April 24, 2024 - Adventure Bay, Canada

Optimus Prime: Alright, the eight of you are going to be in training hall for a bit while me and the Autobots head out on a mission and-

Bastet: Wait, if you two basically leaders, why are you following his orders?

Optimus Prime: Because Bastet, we saved Tails life during an attack on his home planet, one that could not be saved, but we owe him our lives, and because he's able to get all of Earth's governments to keep us safe and hidden, we owe him our lives

Bastet: That somewhat makes sense

Marshall: Indeed, and after the training you all will be heading to bed, is that understood?

Catboy: Yes, but what mission is Prime and the Autobots going out on?

Optimus Prime: To arrest the villains of Tarabiscoville

Owlette: What?!? Are you all insane?!?

Newton Star: How would you be able to even do that?!?

Rocky: We designed drones to locate them, and each one is at a certain location, so that'll make tracking them down easier

Owlette: Oh, well hopefully you'll be okay

Optimus Prime: Don't worry Owlette, we'll be fine, after all we've survived worse

Ironhide: Come on Prime, we don't have all night

Optimus Prime: I'll be there in a moment, also the pups will be trainers

Armadylan: Okay

The five Autobots soon went through the ground bridge with the pups took the PJ Masks inside the training hall while Tails went to check on Cosmo in the medbay.

Chase: Alright, time to see how your experience in battle is

An Yu: Okay than

Soon a trio of robots emerged from a door, weapons at ready.

Soon a trio of robots emerged from a door, weapons at ready

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Gekko: Wow!!!

Octobella: There are bit big

Rubble: There only four feet tall

Zuma: Yay, and you can use your powers to fight them

Skye: Just be careful, they won't be easy on you all

Catboy: Wait why?

Everest: Well we want to see how you guys do in a battle against remorseful robots, since we mostly deal with the Decepticons

Bastet: Decepticons?

Everest: You'll learn about the Decepticons in time

Catboy: Okay than

Chase: Alright pups, let's get to a safe distance, we don't want to get hurt in the process

Catboy: Alright team, prepare for some training

The robot trio soon charged at the PJ Masks, how thankful dodged the oncoming barrage of bullets, Owlette, An Yu, and Newton Star took to the air while Catboy, Gekko, Armadylan, Bastet, and Octobella stayed on the ground, Skye activated her Wind Rider Wings to give the airborne heroes some words of advice.

Skye: If your to attack from the sky, make sure your enemies aren't able to catch up to you, otherwise your sneak attacks from above might not work

Newton Star: Thanks for the advice

Skye: No problem

Upon Skye landing on the group by her pup allies, Owlette launched a sneak attack against the robot trio, launching Owl Feathers at the legs, causing them to stumble forwards as Octobella uses her Crystal Current on the robots, sending them into the nearby wall. Gekko soon activates his Gekko Shields when one of the three robots continued firing at them as Armadylan curled into a ball and charged at it, destroying it in the process. After the two other robots removed the Owl Feathers from the back of there legs, they prepared to slice Armadylan to pieces, thankfully Bastet activated her Sun Disc and shined a bright light in their optics, blinding them, Catboy soon used his Cat Stripes to bring one to the ground by its left arm while Newton blasted a hole through the others chest, killing it. An Yu soon used her staff to release a strong gust of wind on the last robot, severing its arm in the process, Armadylan soon grabbed it by the neck with his right hand before thrusting his left hand through its back, exposing its power core, before crushing it and tossing the dead body of the robot to the ground.

Tails: Good job little ones, you managed to take on three robots bigger than you, and the Autobots just came back with Tarabiscoville's villains, and tomorrow we'll be dealing with your school transfer, but right now you'll be getting some rest, and I'll escort you to your rooms

Marshall: Alright, go on you guys

Upon entering a nearby elevator, Tails held the door open as the gang entered the elevator before reaching the second floor.

Armadylan: Wow, what a floor

Tails: Yup, built by the US Government themselves

Bastet: What will our rooms look like?

Tails: Easy there little cat, we'll get to that, Owlette, here's your room *opens the door*

Owlette: Wow! It looks like a combination of an owl's habitat and my old room!

Tails: Yup, An Yu, here's your room *opens the door*

An Yu: Wow! A Japanese style bedroom, thanks

Tails: No problem, Newton, your room is next *opens the door*

Newton Star: Wow, a room meant for a space studier

Tails: Yup, Gekko, Octobella, you two will share a room, same with the cat, so here's the room for you two *opens the door*

Gekko: Wow! A room meant for an aquatic pair

Octobella: *blushes and giggles* Yay, and a bunkbed with aquatic stuff

Tails: Well you two have fun... or whatever you two want to do, anyways Catboy, Bastet, here's your room *opens the door*

Bastet: This room it purr-fect, a bunkbed for two, one fit for a desert cat and another for a suburban cat

Catboy: *blushes* Yay, and my bed looks like my old one

Tails: Alright, the eight of you should get some sleep, I have something to attend to

Catboy: Okay Tails, let's get some sleep guys

After everyone went into their rooms, Tails went down to the first floor on the elevator and went to a room nearby where Prime was waiting for him.

(The room Prime is waiting at for Tails is the medbay, where Cosmo is currently resting until she awakens from her concussion, so prepare for a sweet moment between the two in the next chapter)

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