The monster

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Y/n : Taehyung
He turn his gaze towards her and what she did next shake him from inside. Y/n slide the strap of her dress making it slide down her body and fall on the floor. Now she's standing only in undergarments in front of him
Y/n : I'm all yours, do whatever you want to do with me..
Taehyung's eye lids shake a bit. Her curves, deep bellybutton, smooth skin make him mesmerized. She was shaking but he doesn't know it was for cold or she's afraid. He walk towards her while staring at her intensely. She was also looking at him with her tear filled eyes. Her red lips were trembling. Taehyung stand just in front of her. Without breaking the eyes contact he bend down a little and take the bed sheets from behind her. Taehyung wrap the white cloth around her covering her exposed body. Y/n close her eyes letting her tears fall.
Taehyung : Never lose your dignity and self-respect trying to make people accept and love you. Don't tell a boy that you will do anything for him. He might take advantage of you. Do not beg for love if it's on your fate it'll automatically come to you. Don't be so weak and pathetic Y/n. Your self-respect has to be stronger than your feelings.
Y/n : B-But I love you
Taehyung : And I couldn't love you
Y/n : Why?
Taehyung : Don't involve yourself with me Y/n you deserve a happy and perfect life. Wear your dress
Saying that he walk out of the room. Y/n fall on the bed letting her tears fall more. She looked at the close door and smile in her tears
Y/n : Why are you like this? How can you be so nice? Now I'm drowning in your love.

The next day Taehyung didn't went to pick Y/n from her house. Y/n didn't call him either cause she's ashamed of what she did last night. He is right she shouldn't give up on her dignity that much easily even though she loves him. She went to the university alone just to see him. But when Y/n entered into the class she saw Taehyung was sitting beside a boy. Means she couldn't sit with him. She pouted and went to another seat.
At lunch time Y/n went to the terrace but Taehyung wasn't there. She bit her lower lip and leave the place. The whole period of lunch break her eyes were looking for him but he was no were to be found. Looks like he just disappear or he's purposely hidding himself from her.
After lunch break Y/n go back to her class and leave an empty seat beside her for Taehyung. After sometimes Tae walk inside the class but didn't seat besides her which made Y/n very sad.
Y/n didn't saw Taehyung after classes also. She was sadly walking back to her home. But after something Y/n started feeling like someone is fallowing her. She turn around but couldn't find anyone. She started walking again but still she's feeling like someone is behind her. Y/n was feeling scared. She clutch her backpack and close her eyes tightly before running as fast as she could.
After reaching home Y/n shut the door and started breathing heavily. She peek through the window beside the door and saw a guy in black hoodie. She recognized the person just only seeing his back. The guy was walking away when Y/n run out from the house and shouted standing behind him
Y/n : If you're that much worried for me you could simply walk me to my home. You don't have to follow me like a creepy stalker Taehyung
He didn't reply nor turn around. He just simply walk away making her sign.

The next day Y/n saw Taehyung from her window. He was standing outside her house. But when Y/n walk out from her house she couldn't see him. She started walking to university knowing he's with her secretly. Y/n smile a little.
The whole day Taehyung ignore Y/n like he did yesterday. Y/n tried to talk to him but he never gives her the chance. But just to protect her he always stay with her secretly whenever she go out from her house. Like this one week passed. Y/n was feed up by his behavior. So today she comes up with a plan which is kinda dangerous but she believes in him and knows he'll protect her at anycost.
Y/n was walking on the side of the road but suddenly she comes in the middle of the road. She saw a bicycle was coming towards her. She purposely stand in front of the bicycle
Y/n thought : If he didn't come to save me then this bicycle will hit me. I hope it won't hurt much if I get hit by a bicycle
She was in her thoughts that she failed to notice the car which is coming from behind her as it's a one way road. When she heard the car horn she turn around but it was to late. The car was just few inches away from her. Suddenly someone pulled her from the road but her luck wasn't with her fully . Her leg got hit with the car and started to bleed. Y/n scream in pain. The person who pulled her from the road made her sit on the roadside. Y/n looked at the person and yes it was Taehyung. He takes out an old yet clean handkerchief from his pocket and started wrapping it around her would carefully
Taehyung : Is it hurting very much? Wait I'll take you to the hospital.
Taehyung carried her in his arms and started walking. Y/n was just staring at his face forgetting her pain. His eyes were filled with worry and fear. Is he afraid to lose her? Those dark brown eyes were filled with salty water. His face was looking as if he's going to cry. Y/n got to know one more thing. He has a very pure and sensitive heart. No matter how hard he's looking outside deep inside he's soft as feathers. She rested her head on his chest and close her eyes.

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