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Y/n : Let me go Taehyung. I don't wanna stay here, I don't wanna stay with you anymore
Taehyung open his eyes and looked at Y/n. Tears gather in his eyes when Y/n spoke again
Y/n : I want a break Taehyung... a long break
Taehyung gulp his saliva and felt a lump in his throat.
Taehyung : Y/n...please
He couldn't utter more words. Holding her hands tightly he look at her lap where their hands are resting. He wants to hide the tears from her which gathered in his eyes.
Taehyung : I won't let you go
He shake his head like a stubborn child. Y/n placed a kiss on his hair
Y/n : You was you deserve a punishment and you give me permission to choose it for you.
Taehyung : You can give me any punishment but please don't leave *he was still looking down*
Y/n : Let's take a break Taehyung. I really need it and I guess you also
Taehyung : I don't need any break I just need you by my side
Y/n : I also needed you by my side in those years but what you did? You just left me with strangers.
Her words defeated him. He understood he lost his right to stop her. He have no choice but to accept his punishment
Y/n : I need to breathe freely Taehyung. And whenever I will feel it's the right time I'll come back to you I promise
She smile a little and Taehyung just nodded his head slowly.

Taehyung and Y/n was having dinner together with his friends. The boys were talking and laughing all the time without noticing that the couple with them was sad and silent. Suddenly Y/n spoke
Y/n : Pals can I ask you a favor?
The boys stop talking and looked at Y/n with questionable look
Ben : Sure what is it?
Y/n : Will you take me with you guys. I want to go back to my home to my country.
The boys look at each other and then Kevin spoke
Kevin : Sure we'll definitely take you with us
Jungkook : But why didn't you ask Taehyung to take you there? He's your husband after all
Y/n : Taehyung is not going. He'll stay here in Australia as he have work
The boys look at Taehyung who was staring at Y/n with hurtful eyes. Feeling the boys gaze on him Taehyung looked at them and nodded slowly
Taehyung : You guys can take Y/n with you but please take care of her
Rex : You don't have to say it. We'll take care of our little pal
Jungkook : And yeah need to inform you we're going back tomorrow. As we come here suddenly our boss doesn't give us long leave
Kevin : So little pal you need to pack your bags tonight as we're leaving tomorrow
Taehyung's heart dropped hearing it. The spone fall from his hand. It's too early
Taehyung : Can't you guys stay for one more week
Rex : No bro it's impossible we can't even stay for one more day
Taehyung looked at Y/n and saw she's also staring at him. They have to say goodbye too early. She doesn't expect this either. She thought maybe they will stay here for at least one week.

Y/n was sitting in the big walk in closet and Taehyung was packing her bags.
Taehyung :  I kept the warm clothes in the left corner. And in this bag there's your medicines, passport and some other documents. I also kept some cash here. Your toothbrush is inside the big bag, left corner under the clothes and you'll also find your inners there.
He was talking non stop to hide his pain. Y/n was just staring at him.
Y/n : Taehyung *she called his name softly*
Taehyung : Huh? *Y/n separate her arms*
Y/n : Come here
Taehyung walk towards Y/n and sit beside her. Y/n hugged him tightly. Taehyung hide his face in her chest and wrapped his arms around her waist
Y/n : Take care of yourself and don't overwork *she said while caressing his hair
Taehyung : Don't go please
He begged her again in case she change her mind
Y/n : I wish you showed me this care before. Trust me this day would never come if you tried to take out some time for me before
Taehyung : I'm sorry
Y/n : We need this break Taehyung. For a better future we need to bear some pain in present
Taehyung : Can I... can I kiss you Y/n *he asked making her chuckle*
Y/n : I'm your wife not someone else's that you need to ask permission and besides from when you started asking permission to kiss me
Taehyung broke the hug and placed his lips on hers. Pulling her more close he started devouring her lips. Y/n couldn't hold it anymore she sob in between the kiss clenching his shirt tightly. It's hurting.. it's hurting both of them badly.
Taehyung slowly parted their lips but their face was still very close
Taehyung : Can I tell you something?
*Y/n nodded while sobbing* I'm feeling like someone is ripping my heart and don't know why throat is hurting. Hearing this Y/n started crying more
Taehyung : Please don't cry it's making my situation worst
Saying that he again started kissing her. Slowly yet passionately. After five minutes they broke the kiss. Taehyung wiped Y/n's tears. She looked at him and tried to smile
Taehyung : Oh it's already 10pm you need to sleep come

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