Our Love

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The weather is extremely hot today. Taehyung is making dinner in the kitchen and Y/n is sitting in the front door frame. Little air was caressing her skin. The moon light make the yard bright. The shadows of trees make it a little bit darker. The crickets are chirping monotonously. Few insects are flying in front of her eyes and few were bitter her. Y/n scoff in annoyance. Right now she's craving for pomegranates but she can't tell this to Taehyung knowing he'll be sad cause right now he can't bring pomegranate for her. Y/n was imagining about the red ripe fruit when her eyes fall on the giant figure which is standing under the mango tree. Y/n could only see the silhouette because of the shadow of tree. The figure started walking and coming towards her. Y/n close her eyes and scream her lungs out.
The spatula fall from Taehyung's hand hearing Y/n's scream. He quickly run outside and saw Y/n is trembling sitting on the doorframe. He went towards her and hugged her tightly.
Taehyung : What happened?
Y/n pointed her index finger in front. Taehyung look where Y/n is pointing and saw a man is standing there. His clothes are torn and dirty. There's so many bruises in his body. His face is covered with beard.
Taehyung : You..
"I'm extremely sorry that I scared you Mrs Kim"
Y/n open her eyes hearing his voice and saw a pair of green eyes.
Y/n : Mr manager is this you!??
Robin : Can you please give me something to eat. I'm extremely hungry

Taehyung placed the bowl of vegetable strew in front of Robin
Taehyung : I'm sorry this is all we have
Robin just nodded his head and started eating voraciously. Look like he doesn't ate for days. Taehyung and Y/n were just staring at Robin. Y/n felt extremely sad seeing him like this. He used to be a a neat clean and decent man. Taehyung's mind and heart filled with guilt. He became more angry at himself. He knows he is the reason for his condition. Robin was always with him in every kind of situation. He helps him in every way but now he couldn't even give him a proper food. Taehyung went back to the kitchen to cook more for Robin.
After Robin finished his eating Taehyung give him his clean clothes. Robin take a long bath and when he come out he was looking like Robin again. Taehyung and Y/n look at him and smile making Robin shy.
Y/n went back to the bedroom to sleep after having her dinner. Taehyung and Robin were sitting in the living room
Taehyung : So where were you in this month
Robin : That night Jake Dime's mans caught me. I was captivated there one month and after that I was able to run away from there.
Taehyung : Then why didn't you come here?
Robin : Jake Dime purposely let me run from there so that I could come to you and he could find you. His guards are keeping an eye on me. From two months I was roaming around the city secretly and sometimes I took shelter in my relatives house.
Taehyung : How did you make it till here today?
Robin : I somehow fooled his guards and manage to scape from there eye
Taehyung : Do you know who betrayed me
Robin : Our head guards. Jake Dime find about them when we weren't here. He brought our three head guards Rover, Alex and Ethen.
Taehyung : And what about the other two
Robin : The other two Chris and Brown doesn't agree to work with him as they never wanted to betray you so Jake Dime kill them
Taehyung : Don't worry soon we'll go back to our previous life. I just can't leave this place till Y/n give birth she needs me here.
Robin : I know but we need man. I talked to someone and requested him to send us him guards he said he'll let me know later
Taehyung : What about the our guards who used to walk under Chris and Brown?
Robin : They all got killed
Robin take a pen and paper and write down a number
Robin : This is the number of my relative. I'm gonna stay in his place for few days. You can contact me by this number but don't call me unless it's very urgent we might get caught

Robin left before the sun rise. Y/n wake up to say goodbye to him
Y/n : Can't you stay with us?
Robin : No Mrs Kim I can't. I'm sure Jake Dime's people are already looking for me
Y/n : When will you come back?
Robin : Soon *He said with a smile* how's my little nephew
Y/n : Nephew? How did you know it's a boy?
Robin : I don't know I just feel like this. I couldn't brought much for him but this is all I have to give my little nephew
Saying that he forwarded a round red object to Y/n. She look down at his hand and take it from him. Y/n look up already saw Robin is already leaving after giving a pomegranate to his nephew. She smile looking at the red fruit
Y/n : Your nephew love it after all he wanted to eat this fruit since night
She hold her baby bump when she felt a kick on it.

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