one. kia vs issac (round 102, partner up!)

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season 1, episode 1 - Welcome to Colorado (Pt.1)

chapter one,

kia vs issac (round 102, partner up!)

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kia vs issac (round 102, partner up!)

IF THERE WAS one thing almost everyone in Colorado knew, it was the fact that Kia Peters and Issac Garcia hated each other.  They couldn't stand to be in the same room with each other or go five seconds without bickering.  Even the rest of the Walter family hoped that their rivalry would end so they could enjoy doing their things in peace.  But as long as Kia Peters disliked Issac Garcia and he disliked her, it was never going to happen.

It was 7:00 in the morning and Kia was scrambling to put together an outfit.  Her best friend, Brady, would be there any minute to pick her up and get breakfast like they planned.  Finally deciding on a puffy blouse and her favorite pair of Levi jeans, she grabbed her backpack and headed downstairs.

Her father, Gary, was in the kitchen making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  "Hey, dad."

"Hey, Kia.  I'm almost done making your lunch.  Snacks are in the fridge."

"Thanks.  Where's mom?" Kia asked, looking in the fridge.

"She's feeding the horses."

Kia grabbed some yogurt and cherries, closing the fridge door.  "But how's work been going?"

"It's been good. Here's your sandwich."  Gary was a salesman, often trying to get people to buy things.  He struggled at times but it didn't stop him.  Freya, on the other hand, was a baker. Sometimes, after school, Kia would help her mom make pastries or take orders.

"Thanks, Dad." She hurriedly placed the food in her lunchbox, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Kia! Aren't you forgetting something?" her father asked.  Confused, she raised an eyebrow.  "What did I forget?"

"Your shoes.  Are you really going to wear your bunny slippers to school?"  Kia looked down at her feet, groaning internally.  She raced to her room and took off her shoes.  Putting on her Doc Martens, she grabbed her things and raced downstairs.  "Bye, dad!"

"Bye, Kia! Make sure to say goodbye to your mom!" Gary stated.  Kia closed the door, clutching onto her bag.  It was 7:15 now and there was no sign on Brady.  "Hi, Kia."

The girl turned around, realizing the voice belonged to her mother.  "Hi, mom." Kia greeted, giving her a hug.  "Aren't you supposed to be with Brady now?" Freya asked.

Kia's phone vibrated, showing Brady's name.  "I think he's here.  Bye, mom!" The two let go of each other's embrace, allowing Kia to walk on their front porch.  She answered her phone.


"Hey, Kia.  I'm in front."

"Okay, I'm coming."

Walking down the stairs, she saw Brady's car parked in front.  The brunette rolled down the window, waving to her.  "Hi, Kia! You don't mind if Paige tags along, do you?"

"No, not at all.  I like her company." Kia stated, getting into the passenger seat.  "See, Brady.  I think she likes me more than you." Paige teased, sitting in the back.

"She does not!"

"I like both of you equally and plus, I'm hungry. Can we go now?" Kia complained. "Sure." Brady said, starting the car.

FINALLY ARRIVING AT the cafe, the three went inside. Brady ordered 3 bagels, a tea, and two coffees. Meanwhile, Paige and Kia were conversing. Paige was excited about joining certain clubs, going on and on about if she would make new friends or possibly meet someone cute. Kia nodded her head, playing with her rings. The duo saw Brady holding a bag in his hand. "Hey, girls. I got our food. You want to eat it here or in the car?" he asked.

"Maybe in the car. It's... shit! 7:40? We got to go now!" Kia exclaimed. The kids quickly got in the car and Brady drove off.  Paige and Kia ate their bagels while the blonde focused on the road.  Once Brady got a spot in front of the school, he was finally able to eat his bagel.

"How's your bagel?" Paige asked, drinking her tea.  "Cold but tasty." her brother answered.  In his rear view mirror, Brady noticed the Walters' truck parking.  "Guys, I think it's time to go in."  Grabbing their bags, they got out of the car.  The trio walked to the front, greeting Samira and Liam. Kia was linking arms to with Paige and Samira, only for Kia to be noticed by Issac. "Hey, Peters." he greeted.

Kia turned around, forcing a smile.  "Garcia.  What a surprise for you to be here! Oh, wait.  Your always here."

"Please let it be a good day today." Paige mumbled.  The kids went inside and departed from each other.  Much to Kia's dismay, she had science with Issac.

"SETTLE DOWN, PLEASE.  Today, you guys will be broken up into groups of two and complete a project that will be due in a few weeks.  Now, here are the pairs." the science  teacher stated.  Kia was busy doodling in her notebook, bored out of her mind.  "Olivia with Greg, and... Kia with Issac."  Kia was quickly taken out of her thoughts, confused.  "Excuse me, ma'am.  Who is my partner?"

"Issac."  Kia groaned, turning around to look at him. Issac raised his hand.  "Yes, Issac?"

"Is there anyone else to work with? I mean I don't want to work with Kia.  She's a bit bossy." he complained.  "I am not bossy! I just tend to point out things that your doing wrong!"

"Oh, please.  You just love to have things your way."

"I do n-"

"Issac, Kia! I'm not changing anyone's partners and that's final!  Move to where your partner is sitting and come up with ideas."

Kia quickly grabbed her things and sat next to Issac.  This was going to be a long day.

Maya Speaks 💫:
Hi guys! I hope you guys liked this chapter! Trust me, the second chapter won't feel as rushed because I feel like this one was rushed.  My other books will be update tomorrow! Have a good night!

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